Don't worry, I'm here - Tommy

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Dream's P.O.V

When Tommy was born, he had been too small and severely underweight. He had stayed in the hospital for the first year of his life. When he was 5 he was diagnosed with a Chronic Disease called Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or (COPD) for short. This meant he very quickly lost his breath doing simple tasks such as running even just for a couple of seconds, on his bad days he couldn't walk out of fear that he would lose his breath and collapse. He constantly had a chesty cough that hurt him a lot, usually, he would brush it off and pretend he was fine but I knew that he was in a lot of pain. Frequent chest infections tormented him and persistent wheezing (not like my laugh) followed every breath on his bad days. 

As he grew up, he was constantly underweight. The disease wouldn't let him keep a normal BMI and this made him more susceptible to injury. His symptoms only got worse with age, he was constantly exhausted and some bad days, his ankles would become swollen from oedema and he'd have to use a wheelchair. Our parents worked for the same company and often had to go on business trips that lasted from anywhere between a week and a month. This meant that I had to take care of Tommy while they were gone.

I had always thought that Tommy should be homeschooled. It would avoid a lot of trouble. Of course, I didn't mind driving to Tommy's school to pick him up and drop him off I was more worried about the way he would be treated. Teachers tended to think they knew best. There were multiples times that I had told Tommy that I would happily beat the shit out of his teachers after I had picked him up only to see that he was crying. 


Tommy was sat on the edge of the wall looking too pale for my liking. I got out of the car and took his hand leading him to the passenger side and helping him in. When I sat back down in the driver's side I immediately turned to him. That was when I noticed the shining trail down his face, he was crying! I reached my hand across, wiping away the tear and taking his hand again. "Tommy?" I said softly, "What happened?" 

"I-It h-hurts." He sniffled, wiping his face in the crook of his arm.

"Your chest?" I asked. 


"Why didn't you tell your teacher?" 

"I d-did." 

"And why didn't they do anything?" 

"Sh-She said I w-was overreacting and t-then w-when I started c-coughing up b-blood she just y-yelled at me for d-disrupting class." 

"What's she called Tommy?" My tone began to edge dangerous. 

"Mrs Wheeler," 

"Okay, let's get you home and into bed." 

Flashback over

After that, I had gone in and exchanged some harsh words with the teacher,


I walked into the reception, clenching and unclenching my fists, trying to disperse the growing anger so I wouldn't end up punching the stupid women in the face. "Hi, I'm here for a meeting with Mrs Wheeler," I said. The receptionist looked up with a smile, "Name?" 

"Dream, Dream Innit." (Leave the author alone she's dumb as hell and couldn't come up with a name. It's 2 am.)

"Ah, yes, do you know your way to A12?" She said.

I had been to this school in previous years so I nodded and thanked her before making my way to A block. At the top of the stairs and down the hall was the classroom. The door was open and a lady, she looked to be in her late 60s, was sitting at a computer. I walked over and knocked on the door.

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