The server for us. - Tommy

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Tommy's P.O.V

Outside of the Dream SMP, I had made a server called 'Innit Island'. It was just somewhere for me and my close friends to hang out on. Sometimes the Dream SMP would get too much and I needed somewhere that I could go to calm down and chill. I added my closest friends because I knew that they wouldn't judge me. Not that anyone on the Dream SMP would judge me, it was just the worry that deep down I would be burdening them. I added Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil, Nikki, Eren, Freddie and Jack. 

Today was one of the bad days. I hadn't been able to get out of bed until late in the evening, my body felt heavy, my head was pounding and I just felt sick. So I sat in my chair, knees to my chest with a blanket around my shoulders as I logged onto the server. When it had loaded I brought my character to field behind the house Tubbo and I had built. I 'sat' on the bench and played a Cat disk in a jukebox that was beside it, watching the bees float past. Then, in the bottom left, a message popped up in yellow text. 

Tubbo joined the game.

Tubbo was the only one that I had told about my mental struggles and the fact they had been getting worse. Everyone on this server knew that sometimes I needed some cooldown time but they didn't know why.

<Tubbo> Hi Tommy!

<Tommy> Hey Tubs, didn't realise you were online.

<Tubbo> Do you wanna VC? You didnt call erlier. 

<Tommy> Yeah, sure. Join VC 2.

I quickly loaded up my discord and joined VC 2 in the servers discord. 

"Hey, Tommy! How are you?" Tubbo asked cheerfully.

"Hi, I'm alright," I said quietly, pinching the bridge of my nose as my head began to throb worse. 

"Bad day?" 

"Yeah, I guess." 

"Do you just want to relax today?"


"Okay! That's fine. Why don't we build a treehouse?" 

We had been talking about building a treehouse for a while and we just decided to do it. I gathered supplies from the chest and Tubbo looked for a good place to build. 

We were halfway through building the outline of the building when everything began to get dizzy. The screen blurred in front of me and I crossed my arms on the desk, laying my head on them. A ringing filled my ears and I had to take a couple of deep breaths, grounding myself, before I could hear again. "Tommy? Tommy can you hear me?" 

"Huh? Y-yeah." 

"Tommy, is it your head?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah, hurts." 

"Okay, go take some paracetamol and then come sit down." 


I stood up shakily, making my way to the bathroom and taking some medicine from the medicine cabinet. I walked back to my room, pulled my headphones onto my head and wrapped the blanket tightly around me again as I sank down onto my chair. "I'm back Tubbo," I said quietly. 

"Okay, do you want to keep going or do you want to sleep or something?" 

"Uh...I think I'm just gonna sit back for a minute while I wait for the medicine to kick in." 

"Okay!" Tubbo said before falling silent.



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