Esempee Primary pt 2.

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Wilbur's P.O.V

I went out at break to keep an eye on the students, sitting down on one of the benches by the fence. Fundy came over and sat beside me, just watching on quietly as everyone else ran around. "You okay buddy?" I asked quietly.

He nodded before signing, 'Do you know sign language?'

"Yeah, I do!" I said. Some days Tommy was nonverbal and whenever Techno got overstimulated, he would struggle to speak for a while. Fundy smiled at me before turning back to the playground, watching as the other kids ran around. The groups had seemed to solidify. Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy being one group, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity being another and Fundy and Nikki were also seeming to stick together. Nikki had been talking to Mr NotFound about something but when the conversation ended, she walked straight over to Fundy and me, sitting down on the other side of Fundy.

Break passed fairly quickly, everyone having fun and messing around before Mr WasTaken came out onto the playground, putting his hand in the air as a signal for everyone to go over to him. All the kids lined up in front of him, bouncing in place, clearly feeling very energetic. We all filtered back into the classroom, sitting back at the tables that we had all been sat at previously. There was a sheet of paper in all of the kid's places with the title:

Find a Friend!

Underneath the title was a list of foods, hobbies etc. and a tic box with the question:

What do you like?









Ice Cream


The Beach



And more things of the sort. "Okay!" Mr NotFound said, "So, take a look at these sheets in front of you. I want you to put a tick next to the things that you like and you can put a cross next to the things that you don't like, or just keep the box blank, either one is fine. You have 10 minutes to get that done. If you need any help, don't be scared to ask Mr Soot, Mr Blade, Mr WasTaken or me."

George put a timer on the board so everyone knew how much time was left and everyone started to read over the paper. I moved to sit next to Tubbo so I could help him with reading the paper. The 10 minutes passed quicker than I had expected and George stood up to give the next instructions. "Alright! So, now what I want you to do is show your sheet to people on the table and see what things you have in common!"

George's P.O.V

While they were finishing up the activities, I was getting ready for the second thing I wanted to get done. "Is everyone ready to move on?" I asked, earning several nods from around the room. "Alright, so, next thing we're going to do, is I want all of your inputs on how to design the classroom. We've put up some decorations but I think it would be nice if we could put up some more. If anyone has any ideas, put your hands up."

A couple of hands were raised.


"Uh, some more things hanging from the ceiling." He said quietly.

I smiled, "I think that's a great idea. Maybe we could have an hour of arts and crafts where we could make things to put up. That sound good?"

He nodded looking happy. "Alright, Nikki?"

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