Low blood sugar - Tommy + SBI + Tubbo

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Tommy said in Quackity's video that he struggles with low blood sugar on a daily basis so I thought I'd write something including that enjoy.

Tommy's P.O.V

Today I was meeting up with the rest of Sleepy Bois Inc and Tubbo. We'd met up as a group about 5 times and separately a bunch of others. I suffered from a hypoglycemia which hindered the things that I did each day, however I hadn't told the others out of embarrassment. Although I shouldn't have been ashamed of a condition I couldn't control, I still thought that people would make fun of me for it because a couple people from school made fun of it too. I heard someone knock on my door and I looked up seeing my dad stood in the doorway. "Have you had something to eat yet?" He asked. I nodded. I hadn't but I was feeling sick and we were running late anyways. "Okay, you ready to go?" I nodded again. I was going to be staying with them at Wilbur's apartment for the weekend as my parents had to go on a work trip and didn't think it was a good idea for me to stay home alone as I often forgot to care of myself. I grabbed my bags and put them in the car before getting into the passenger seat and doing up my seat belt. I was excited but strangely I felt tired even though I'd woken up almost an hour ago. Guess I just didn't sleep enough. I ignored the ill feeling and watched as we left our driveway. 

After a 4 hour drive taking from 6 am to 10 am, we had arrived in Brighton. My dad pulled into a car park for the beach and I texted Wilbur where we were. 

A few minutes later Wilbur's car pulled up. Him and Phil were in it. They moved my stuff into Will's car and spoke to my Dad for a few minutes before my dad decided it was time for him to go. He pulled me aside knowing that I wouldn't want to talk about it in font of my friends and said, "Remember to take your medicine and eat well okay?" I nodded.

"I will, bye dad. I'll see you on Sunday." 

I gave him a hug before he drove off. Will, Phil and I went down onto the beach where we soon met up with Tubbo and Techno. The 5 of us reunited. 

The first day went well. We spent most of the time on the beach, playing in the water or laying on the sand, Britain was strangely hot so we had to make the most of it as Phil said. When it began to get dark and colder we packed up, dried off and get into Wilbur's car going back to the apartment. That was when I began to feel a lot more ill. I excuse myself, going to mine and Tubbo's room. There I sneakily took my medication and small sweet to get my sugar levels back up. Thankfully I began to feel better so I went back down. Phil was making pasta in the kitchen so I decided to help. We ate our dinner while watching a comedy show and then had a movie marathon till we all fell asleep in the living room. 

When I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed. Tobi was in his across the room as well. I vaguely remembered waking up to someone carrying me and Wilbur's voice telling me to go back to sleep. I shook my head and smiled a little. Checking the time on my phone, I could see that it was 8 am. I got up quietly so I wouldn't disturb Tubbo and got changed before wondering out into the living room where Phil and Techno were watching something on TV. Techno moved up once he saw me, inviting me to sit with them. I complied and flopped down into the spot beside the pink haired man. "How'd you sleep?" Phil asked.

"Pretty good," I replied, "You?" 

"I slept great." 

After about 20 minutes Tubbo came in, his hair messy clearly having just woken up. I moved to sit on the floor so Tobi could take my spot, he objected but I insisted. I now instead sat on the carpeted ground with my back against Tobi's legs. Leaning my head back against Tobi's knees, he began to run his fingers through my hair. It was peaceful that morning. I was happy.

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