You care for him - Tommy

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Heads up, this contains mentions of depression, panic attacks and malnourishment so read at your own risk. Let me know if I missed anything!

Phil - 35
Wilbur - 17
Techno - 15
Ranboo - 12
Tubbo - 10
Tommy - 9
George - 21 (Don't ask how he's teaching at 21 XD)
Dream - 22
Schlatt - 24

Tommy's P.O.V

Everything was great until Ranboo showed up. Don't get me wrong, I loved him! He was a great guy. When we spoke, he was lovely to me and he listened which is something most people didn't. Everyone just assumed that I was loud and speaking nonsense all the time but that was just a mask. Ranboo was the only one that truly seemed to realise that. He was really kind to me and it meant a lot that he seemed to care but I couldn't help feeling jealous. It was just Phil, Techno, Wilbur and me. Tubbo was around constantly too. Then Ranboo appeared. Phil, Tubbo and Techno immediately wanted to adopt him. Wilbur took a while but eventually came around to the idea. 

Very quickly, Ranboo was a part of our family and it was clear that everyone loved him. Much more than they had ever loved me. He was constantly everyone's main focus. Everyone was attentive to him, making sure he was alright and that he knew they loved him. It wasn't as if I wanted to be centre of attention, in fact, I hated it if I'm being honest, no, I just wanted them to ask if I was okay because I really wasn't sure that they loved me anymore. 

I went on for several months. Tubbo's new best friend was Ranboo, Wilbur and Techno's little brother was Ranboo, Phil's sons seemed to be Techno, Will and Ranboo. I felt as though I didn't exist anymore. Wilbur and Techno did things with Ranboo that they would always do with me. Phil would organise family film nights. But I was never invited. I rarely left my room and if I did it was to use the bathroom or get some more tissues for my eyes, that never seemed to stop crying. I wasn't okay but they didn't care.

It was so hard. I didn't know what to do. I was scared, alone and I just wanted to be held. I wanted someone to tell me that it was going to be okay and that they loved me. That someone knew I existed. I needed a hug.

It was getting bad. Really bad. I knew this when I couldn't feel anymore. Well, I could feel, but not entirely. It's difficult to describe. I was always cold and I felt constantly weak but I couldn't feel much emotion. I knew I was sad. I knew that I didn't feel good. I felt sick to my stomach all the god damn time but I couldn't feel it like I should and it scared me so much.

I would sit, knees to my chest, in the corner of my room for days on end. My hands over my ears to block out the sounds from downstairs. The laughter and the excited shrieks as they played about with each other. They were so happy without me. Would they even notice if I disappeared? Probably not. No one had spoken to me in so long and the last time someone had, it was Phil blaming something on me when I hadn't even been downstairs in weeks. Of course, still had to go to school though. I would leave before anyone woke up and take the early bus, waiting outside for almost an hour before school started. I couldn't bare to see anyone from my household. 

Phil was friends with Dream. Dream's boyfriend (George) was one of my teachers. Phil was friends with a lot of people actually, including Schlatt, who was also one of my teachers. I liked them. They were nice. They always told me that they were there if I needed them but I didn't want them to know what was going on. I was making a big deal over nothing.

George's P.O.V

I was really worried about Tommy. The boy wasn't acting as he normally would. He normally interacted with the class and paid attention. His work was outstanding and he was progressing well but recently...he wasn't. His work was sloppy and looked like he had been writing shakily with his wrong hand. He was pale, looked way too skinny, spaced out a lot and he was showing up super early. I mentioned it to Dream when I got home.

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