Wear a Mask to Hide Yourself When Really it Makes Us the Same - Tommy

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T/W Injury, amputation, nightmares, animatronics, general spooky themes

Phil's P.O.V

I had never wanted Tommy to have to worry about how financially stable his family was. Well, I didn't want any of my kids too but my oldest was 24 and the middle child was 21 so they were able to spot things a lot quicker. I always assumed Tommy wasn't aware of how low on money we were but it was pretty obvious in the ways that we were extremely tight on allowance, we lived in a flat which was probably too small for 4 people and the furniture we had was old and worn. We couldn't afford new things. I didn't want him to worry about getting a job to support the family either. I mean, he was only 16 but we were extremely short on money and a really good job had just opened up in the newspapers.


Family Pizzeria Looking for a Security Guard to Work the Night Shift.
12 am to 6 am.

Monitor Cameras, Ensure Safety of Equipment and Animatronic Characters.

Not Responsible for Injury or Dismemberment.

£120 a week (£24 a night)
To Apply Call:

Okay, maybe the 'not responsible for injury or dismemberment' was a little concerning but I assumed it was the same as signing a waiver. They didn't want to be sued for anything that was even slightly possible. I worked all day as an editor in the newspaper, my eldest son - Wilbur - worked as a music teacher and my middle child - Techno - worked in the local library. None of us had the time for another job. Well, maybe we did but God knows it would kill us. I was going to brush it off as I wasn't about to force my youngest son into getting a job but when he volunteered, I couldn't say no. Obviously, I didn't like the idea of him working the night shift at a place I had never visited or heard of, alone, but he was insistent so I gave in and let him apply. He rang up the company and spoke to someone who didn't really give any specific information except the fact that there was a uniform which they would send us and the date the job would start. Tommy was apparently the first applicant and he was 'perfect for the job'. It seemed a little sketchy but I let it go as just a lazy employer.

A week passed and sure enough, a uniform showed up in the mail, on the day that the job was due to start. I had to work late into the evening so Techno and Wilbur were going to drop him off at his job and then I would collect him at 6 am when it finished.

The day went normally, Techno and Wilbur were working most of the morning then when they got home I had to head out. I finished my first shift at around 6 pm, getting home and making some dinner for everyone before getting ready to head out to my second shift.

"Okay, Tommy, if at any point you need one us, whether it's just to talk or because you need to come home early then don't be scared to call. We'll all keep our phones on." I said, putting on my shoes, "Good luck!" I gave him a hug before grabbing my bag and leaving the house.

Tommy's P.O.V

I'll admit, I was nervous. The fact that there was a possibility of me being dismembered, big enough that would put a warning on the advertisement was concerning but I knew that my family needed me to take this job. They wouldn't voice it of course, as they were far too nice but I could tell that we were struggling. Phil was getting more and more stressed, barely home anymore as he was taking so many shifts on but if I took this job it could ease things up for them. 

The uniform was too big, long black trousers and a light blue shirt with grey patches on the shoulders. A grey tie and some smart black shoes as well as a hat which had the word security embroidered into it with white thread. Wilbur was trying to cuff my sleeves and straighten my tie to make sure I was looking reasonably smart for my first day but in all honesty, I wasn't that bothered. 

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