As the Earth Burns to the Ground pt 5

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These days, nothing was ever certain, facts morphing into maybes and even the ground beneath them felt unsteady now. But if they knew anything for sure, it would be that the thing - the creature crawling downstairs, definitely wasn't human - if the quiet growling was anything to go by. They could hear it skittering below them, nails scratching hardwood floor, slowly approaching the stairs. Earlier in the night, they had blocked the stairs with various items of furniture but since no one had yet come across a zombie - face-to-face - they didn't know exactly what they were capable of. Phil crept towards the door, grabbing a knife from the corner, where most of the weapons were being kept and gesturing for the others to keep quiet. The sounds grew only louder as they reached the stairs, slowly climbing them, closer and closer. It reached the blockage, slamming its body weight against it in anger.

Sneaking through the doorframe, he paused, the blockade was falling.


Tommy knew it was the right house the second he saw it. Dream had sent several pictures of it to them so that they would know where to go. His heart felt lighter, energy flooding into his body as he saw the finish line, his goal. But then he looked down, to the streets below. There were so many of them. Zombies line the street in a massive hoard, biting and shoving at each as they struggled along the concrete roads. How the fuck was he supposed to get into one of the houses without alerting them of where he was?! The only way around that his cotton-stuffed brain could think of was going round the back of the houses and hoping that the zombies wouldn't have made it there yet.

It definitely took longer than expected but he made it, jumping over the fences, through gardens and hedges, trying to keep quiet yet keep moving, afraid that he would lose his sudden burst of stamina.

The house was in sight, just one final fence between him and hopefully, his family. Well, that was if they were still there and god, he prayed that they would be. As his feet hit the ground - jumping down from the fence - he felt his knees buckle, pain throbbing through his leg dangerously. Not now! Just a little bit further. He only had to go a little further. Even if his family wasn't inside, he would hopefully be able to blockade himself in and have some amount of safety. Sitting for a moment on the damp grass, he leaned to the side, spitting up a string of blood and cringing at the taste as he watched it sink into the earth, staining it red. He needed to keep going.

Reaching the house he saw a gap in a window, a small space between two wooden planks just big enough for him to crawl through. Taking the gun from his hip which he had grabbed from the skirmish with the women, he slid through the window, wincing at the pain that came with his awkward landing but ignoring it in favour of finding his family. His steps seemed to echo in the dark abyss of the ground floor, bare and liminal. There were sounds coming from above him, somewhere on the second floor. People? At least, he hoped so. If it were zombies then- well, he was too tired to run. He just had to pray it was who he needed. Reaching the middle of the stairs, he became aware of a new noise. A quiet scratching sound. Taking a deep breath, he cocked the gun checking the thing was actually loaded and crept further up.


After a couple of seconds of silence, there came another thud. A little quieter this time, following pursuit of the first in climbing the stairs. This one was different though, the footsteps - movements - sounded more regular, familiar almost. Albeit the slightly heavy alternation as the whoever or whatever it was clearly favoured one of their legs while walking. There was a skitter as the first creature noticed the second turning with a hiss before scarpering back away from the blockade, towards the 2nd thing. There was a yell of fear as the second thing noticed the 1st and in a second, everyone in the room was rushing to pull the furniture from the stairs, they could tell whose scream that was in an instant. Tommy was there.

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