Not alone anymore -Tommy

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T/W minor character death (not Tommy or other cc's), hinted depression, violence, brief description of injury.

Tommy's P.O.V

It was a day like any other. School had been boring and I was excited to get home and lie down with my dogs. Maybe watch TV and relax before streaming later that night. My parents were supposed to be coming home from a long business trip and I couldn't wait to see them. I wasn't someone that would necessarily admit it out loud but I missed my parents when they went away especially for that long. I got changed into some comfortable clothes, made myself a hot chocolate and then settled on the sofa with Betty and Walter. I sent Wilbur a couple of random memes that I found while scrolling through my Reddit and then put on some random series on Netflix. 

I'll admit. The series was pretty addicting. I found myself watching episode after episode after episode until around 7 pm, 30 minutes before I had to stream. My parents were supposed to have gotten home at 5 pm so the fact that they weren't home made me both upset and concerned. Still, there was always the possibility that they had gotten caught in traffic so I headed up to my room and set up to start the stream. 

Everything was going smoothly. I was in a discord call with Wilbur, Phil, Corpse, Sykkuno, Nikki, Quackity, Karl, Sapnap and Eret. We were playing among us - proximity chat. It was during a meeting that my phone rang. There was no contact ID and I didn't recognise the number but (as my parents weren't home) I figured it could be them calling from a hotel or something. "Guys, I have to answer the phone real quick, I'll be back in a minute." 

I muted my mic and turned off my camera before pressing accept on the incoming call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Mr Thomas Rivers?" 

"Yes, it is."

"My name is Annabelle Hastings and I work at Carickstowe hospital. I'm afraid that I bring bad news. Your parents were hit by a truck on the motorway at 4:39 pm today. They were brought into the hospital and we did everything we could but their injuries were too extensive. I'm sorry but...they didn't make it."

Shock hit me like a tidal wave and I moved from my chair, going downstairs so that I could sit with my dogs. Your file says that you are 16 so you are legally allowed to live by yourself. It would be a lot better if you could find somebody to stay with or have somebody come and stay with you but the decision is yours to make. All expenses on your current home have been paid so all that you would need to worry about was bills and food. If you do not have a steady source of income then I would not advise you to live by yourself."

"R-right." I replied shakily, "I, uh, I think I will c-continue to live here. Most likely b-by myself." 

"Alright. You will be emailed about what send-off you would like to provide for your parents and someone will come by in the near future-"

She began to go on about places I could contact for help and other things of the sort but I wasn't really listening. Instead, only one thing was going through my mind.

My parents are dead.
My parents are dead.
My parents are dead.
My parents are dead.
My parents are dead.

When the call finally ended, it had been about 7 minutes since I had left the stream. Screw that. I couldn't do it. I still hadn't fully come to terms with the fact that my parents had just died and I couldn't stop the constant flow of tears that trickled down my cheeks. I made my way back up to my bedroom sitting down on my gaming chair. There was no way that I could turn my camera on and I was very wary of turning on my mic as I didn't know if my voice would be strong enough to make a sound that wasn't a sob. I took a couple of deep breaths before mustering up the bravery to unmute. 

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