In your neighbourhood - Bench Trio

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T/W injury and hospitals

 Tommy's P.O.V

Of course, something was bound to go wrong. I mean, it was only fitting for us that something bad would happen when we were in possibly the creepiest house that we had ever been asked to explore. The owners had noticed things moving around, items being thrown and broken - classic poltergeist activity. The thing was, we needed to get full to be able to pay our rent and to get the full payment we needed at least three pieces of evidence. Bonus evidence and pictures got us more money but they weren't a necessity. At least we knew what we were looking for, we just had to get concrete evidence and then we could get out of here.

The house was split into three floors, the ground floor, upstairs and a basement. Tubbo offered to take the basement as Ranboo and I were wary of them ever since we got locked in and I was almost murdered. Ranboo was patrolling back and forth on the ground floor while I took the upstairs. The house itself was less a house and more a mansion. Big open rooms and a tall grand staircase that, looked extremely worn. The house wasn't in living condition, weathered and decrepit, and the owners only bought it because they wanted to transform it into their dream house. They should've known how dangerous it was to buy an old house like this especially when they hadn't checked the history of it. 

I had spent all day in the archives, looking for articles about the place so I could learn more about what we were dealing with and I found a news story from almost 40 years ago about and a man and his young child that were both brutally murdered in the house before the killers attempted to burn it down to get rid of the evidence or make it seem like an accidental fire that the victims had just gotten caught in. The neighbours saw the flames though and called for help and the house was mostly still intact. The victim's parents/grandparents came and fixed most of the fire damage, purely out of want and the need to do something to ignore their grief or combat it.

After they had fixed the house up, it was abandoned for 20 years, being a hideout for drug dealers and criminals before someone decided to try and renovate. They went into the project perfectly sane but by the 8th day, they were found hanging in the master bedroom, eyes gouged out after the man went fully insane. Come to think of it they never did find the eyes. Then,  it was left for another 40 years, several more suicides and murders were committed within the walls before finally, the latest owner showed up, and recruited us to identify the most prominent spirit. The poltergeist of what I assumed was most likely the first victim. The father. It took roughly 30 years for a spirit to manifest so none of the other's would be possible and a child spirit wouldn't have that kind of power for at least another 100 years. So it was definitely the father. Great. So we knew the name of the spirit and a vague description from what was written in the newspapers and a photograph. The name was Andrew Martin and he was roughly 6ft. He was 38 with black hair and brown eyes. 

I had explained everything to Ranboo and Tubbo on our way to the house but now we were here, everything seemed so much more real. We took the three pieces of equipment from the van that would help us prove the ghost was a poltergeist. The spirit box, notebook and the UV light. Before splitting up across the three floors we decided to stick together to get the spirit box done. A method that we had learned about was the Estes method which was where a person would be blindfolded and deprived of their senses, wearing headphones that would loudly blast the spirit box's sound. Then the other two people would sit on the other side of the room so that they couldn't hear any noise coming from the headphones and there was no chance the 1st person could hear them. They would ask questions and the person wearing the headphones wouldn't hear the question but would say any of the words or phrases that came through on the spirit box. It was difficult to explain. Tubbo volunteered to go under first so I tied a bandana around his eyes while Ranboo plugged the headphones into the spirit box. I guided Tubbo to sit in the corner, putting the headphones over his head and making sure the sound was loud enough that he wouldn't hear us but not loud to the point that it would physically be hurting his ears. Then Ranboo and I moved to the other side of the wall, sinking down and sitting with our knees to our chests, leaning against each other. "Is anyone here who wants to talk with us?" Ranboo asked as I rolled my shoulders to try and ease myself into a more comfortable position.

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