Esempee Primary pt 3.

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T/W Seizures, tics, mild hate-speech/bullying, implies abuse and panic attacks.

George's P.O.V

After lunch, everyone's parents came to pick them up as it was the first day and we were ending early. That meant Dream and I got to go home early too. Not before cleaning up though and getting things ready for the next day. I had to print out a couple of different papers so I made my way out to the printer in the hallway, seeing Eret stood there, already printing some stuff.

"Hey, Eret!" I called, moving to stand beside him, "How was the first day with them?" 

"It was alright, actually. I was a little nervous, to begin with, but it went really well. How about you?" She replied.

"It was pretty good. I think some of the kids were a little anxious but it went alright too." 

"Oh, yeah, I meant to catch up with you on something, one of your kids, Karl, had a minor panic attack at lunch. I brought him to my room and got him calmed down. I just wanted to let you know."

"Thanks, Eret, do you know what set him off?"

"Uh, I think he got really overwhelmed because Sapnap and Quackity were introducing him to Bad and me. He seems really uncomfortable around adults. I'm not sure if it's just me that's noticed."

"No, Dream mentioned it earlier actually. He said he saw Techno go to help Karl with something and Karl flinched away. It's something to keep an eye on I think."

"I agree. Well, I'm done here, good luck with tomorrow!"

"You too!"

I turned back to the printer, typing in the code and waiting for all the sheets to print. It really got me thinking though. I had noticed some bruises on Karl's hands, the only visible part of his body other than his neck and face, but I assumed it was from either tics or just general clumsiness. Now I wasn't so sure. Obviously, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, make up things that weren't actually there but it wouldn't hurt to keep a closer eye on the situation.

I made my way back to the classroom where Dream was sat, typing away on the computer. "Hey, Dream," I said, "I just wanted to ask if you could keep an eye on Karl. I just spoke to Eret and they said that Karl panicked at lunch and we're just a bit worried about his reaction to being around people. He seems alright with the other kids but he's nervous towards the adults. We just want to make sure that everything's okay. It might be nothing but it's better to be safe than sorry." 

"Yeah, that's a fair point. I'll keep an eye on him and I'll tell Techno and Wilbur to watch over him as well." 

"Alright, I'm gonna head out I think, I'll miss the bus if I stay much longer. I've got everything ready for tomorrow so it's all good. I'll see you in the morning!" 

Dream turned around in his seat so that I could get past and grab my bag, "Yeah, see you tomorrow George." 

I made my way out of the main gates, heading to the bus stop. Teaching wasn't always a fun job. There were times that made you incredibly angry or upset and you needed to know how to properly control those emotions but now that I'd had my first day with my new class, I was excited to see what the next day would bring.

Dream's P.O.V

The next morning, I was the second teacher to arrive at school (Mr Halo being the first) Sapnap came with him but he was clearly tired and just stuck to his father's side so I didn't really need to worry about him. I made my way into the classroom, turning on the lights and setting up the projector and laptop. I got out the sheets that George had printed the day before and put them on the desk ready for when they were needed. The day was going to be pretty calm again, as they mostly were, just a couple of activities lined up and then we were planning to walk everyone around the school so that they could look at everything. That was if everything went according to plan.

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