It's so cold. pt 2 (short sbi)

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Phil's P.O.V

We were lead into a hospital room where my son was lying on the bed. He looked so small, so fragile and it made my heart hurt. I felt so bad for him. He was hooked up to so many machines. Wilbur, Techno and I moved to sit in the plastic chairs beside the hospital bed and I held my sons hand. 

"D-Dad?" He whimpered.

"Oh god Tommy." I stood up quickly, cupping the side of my sons face so I could look into his eyes. 

"I-I'm sorry." 

"No, no, don't apologise love, it's okay. No one's mad." I cooed. 

Wilbur also stood up walking around to the other side of the bed, he sat down beside his little brother running his hand through Tommy's hair. "What happened buddy." He whispered.

"I haven't been thinking properly for the past few days." He began, "I-I should've talked t-to you but I thought I would just annoy you, then Techie didn't show up and I thought he'd forgotten about me. I was always scared that you'd all forget me or send me back or something. So when Sapnap said that it was only a matter of time before you forgot me I just...freaked out and left." 

"Sapnap said that you told him it'd be better off if you...well, froze to death." Wilbur said slowly, "Why?" 

"As I said, I haven't been able to think properly over the past few days. When Sap said what he said, I thought he was telling the truth and that I'd lost you all. You're the good part of my life. Without you I don't see much point. I d-didn't want to b-be alone a-again." He broke down sobbing and I pulled him into my arms. Wilbur rubbed his back and Techno had joined us, holding one of Tommy's hands. 

"It's gonna be alright sweetheart, you have no need to worry. You're stuck with us now." I pressed a gently kiss the crown of his head. 

My son was here.

My son was safe.

I didn't get to finish this last night so here you go! <3 sorry it's so short.

355 words

love you guys

- Ace O

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