As the Earth Burns to the Ground pt 4

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T/W Kind of but not Gore

The noises began at 2 am, just as the next broadcast did.

"The United States government has issued a civil warning for all citizens of the united states. This is NOT a drill and this is NOT a test. It has been 24 hours since the aggressive viral outbreak that began in Florida. Currently, all areas of the USA are carrying infection and it is rapidly spreading worldwide. The united nations have deployed peacekeeping forces to North America, South America, Europe and the Asian continents to subdue the spread of this disease and all travel is strictly prohibited. All citizens not yet evacuated to a safe zone are required by martial law to stay in their homes. Dehydration, sudden fever, seizures or chills. If someone with these symptoms suddenly dies, you are required to evacuate the area or else neutralise the subject yourself. Congress just passed a law removing all human rights from the infected people who died and came back 'to life'. You are permitted to use whatever force necessary to eliminate the threat." The screen glitched, the voice repeating the word 'threat' over several times before the flickering halted and the broadcast continued. "There will be no prosecution and there will be no need to call the authorities to tell them what you have done - what you have done - what you have done - what have you done?"

The screen went dark.

It was 2 am when the sounds began. Noises of groans and stumbling footsteps drawing closer to the house, pulling everyone's attention. Dream was the one to creep quietly over to the only half-barricaded window in the house (their escape route) and draw back the curtain, peeking through the clouded glass. Hundreds of zombies filled the road, stumbling into walls and cars, falling over one another and staining the street crimson with their entrails. Pushing himself away forcefully, Sapnap and George caught him and effectively stopped him from cracking his head open on the floor as he covered his mouth with one hand trying not to throw up at the sight he had seen. Everyone in the room visibly paled at this reaction, even those with the most vivid of minds struggling to imagine what horrors lay beyond the walls of their confinement. Dream shook his head in disbelief, Phil moving to crouch in front of him, placing a gentle and reassuring hand on the younger's knee, "How-" He paused, considering his words carefully, "How bad is it?"

Dream shook his head, "You need to keep your voice down! There are so many it's... we can survive we just need to stay quiet, don't let them know we're here and hopefully they'll just pass through."

Phil nodded, moving to sit back beside Techno, where he had been before, and George and Sapnap helped Dream back to his original place. All they had to do was stay quiet and the zombies would pass through with neither dead nor undead disturbed. Surely it would be simple to keep quiet for a few hours. After the news of the apocalypse broke out no one was really up to much talking anyway. They would be fine.


The pain was beginning to reach an unbearable level as Tommy leapt from rooftop to rooftop, movements growing clumsier as the pain clouded his mind, having to sit down a couple of times to avoid throwing himself headfirst off of a building. That would not be appreciated. His leg was beginning to fail him as the adrenaline wore off and the pain in his face fluctuated with every slight movement. The throbbing beginning to make him extremely dizzy as he struggled to keep himself upright. His hands shook horribly as he slowly pushed himself to his feet, stumbling over to the edge of the rood, ready to keep moving. Well, he wasn't ready, but he knew that if he didn't get moving, he wouldn't be able to.


"The United States government has issued a civil warning for all citizens of the united states. This is NOT a drill and this is NOT a test. As of now, all infected citizens who had died to the disease, and whose rose back up into a state of moving death - known officially now as "zombies" after the pop culture monster of the same name - are currently congregating in massive numbers in urban areas. Why this is happening is entirely unclear but there seems to be some sort of intelligence at play as they clear their immediate area of uninfected people and then move to the urban cities even if they're in rural towns hundreds of miles away. To not be mistaken for one of the infected, you are required to wear a white item of clothing whenever you may be visible to other survivors. Do not purposefully look for them. They may not be who they seem. Basic tips to survive if a trip outside is NECESSARY.

 Avoid making noise while moving so as not to draw attention to yourself.

Bring provisions that can last roughly two weeks to overcome the unexpected.

Do NOT use the sewer system to escape. Several bodies were found and the rat population quadrupled in less than a few days.

All gun laws are now suspended. It is now allowed for any American over the age of 13 to carry and use any weapon, including those that were prohibited, to defend themselves against 1 or more zombies. Once the situation is back to normal, the government will not keep track of any of the weapons you have used.

The United States Federal Government has fallen."

The broadcast was on the lowest sound setting yet it still echoed horribly, making everyone flinch as the noises outside drew ever closer. The scratching sounds had begun at 10 am only getting louder as the sun grew higher in the sky, everyone huddling together and whispering quietly, trying not to alert the creatures and taking it in turns to sleep while the other half stayed on watch.

Half an hour had passed, Phil was up, pacing around, socked feet padding quietly over cold, hardwood flooring as he tried to think. They needed to get out, send some signal for rescuers but how would they do that without alerting the zombies of their presence. Pivoting on his heel once more he took a step towards the window before stopping with a jolt as he heard a crash from downstairs, the floor shaking with the impact. His head whipped round to face the others as they looked up at him in horror. Crawling. Something was crawling below them. Downstairs. Something was crawling. The sounds of nails scratching on hardwood, something heavy dragging over the ground, hands slapping the floor with the force needed to propel itself forwards. It was downstairs. Something was crawling. Something was. Something. Crawling.

It was inside.

 :] sorry for the cliffhanger! Let me know what you think!

 Also, sorry that this is a day late! I only had about 100 words written yesterday and you guys need more than that!

 Hopefully, you're liking the series so far. I'll try and write some more for the Blip and others soon too.

 1205 Words

 Requests here!

Take care

Love you guys

- Bee :]]

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