Sick Pt2 - SBI

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Phil's P.O.V

I could tell Tommy was in a lot of pain. His eyes were hooded and he looked up at me confusedly as I lifted him into my arms. I'd stepped outside briefly to call Wilbur and explain the situation, as well as scold him and Techno, for the things they'd said and done. I held Tommy close to my chest, Tubbo carrying the younger boys school bag and I placed Tommy into the backseat of the car, letting him lie back in his seat. I knew his fever was still far too high and I had to get it down. On the way back, I dropped Tubbo to his house thanking him for looking after Tommy.

When we arrived home, I carried him to the front door and knocked, I'd need two hands to open the door but I was holding Tommy so I didn't bother trying, not wanting to disturb him. The door opened and Techno stood there a look of guilt on his face. He stepped aside and I walked in, upon walking into the living I saw that Tommy's bedding had been moved to the sofa, a water bottle and the medicine box had been set on the table. Wilbur was sat at the end of the sofa and he moved up when he saw us. I lay Tommy down on the couch and Wilbur tucked him in. Carefully, I got him to swallow some medication with some water. Techno ran and got a cold cloth, laying it on Tommy's forehead. The young boy gave a quiet sigh at the cool feeling. I switched on the TV playing a film, sitting so Tommy's feet were in my lap and Wilbur sat on the floor stroking Tommy's hair.

Then, Tommy sat up, a shaky hand ghosting on his stomach, "I... Uh... I feel sick, like really sick."
His face went completely white. 

"Shit, Techno, go grab a bucket from the kitchen," I said. Moving to sit on the arm of the sofa, rubbing Tommy's back. The boy put his head between his knees breathing deeply, a sweat broke out across his body yet he began to shiver. I kissed the back of his head. "I've got you, you're alright." I whispered. He gave a low whine his other hand moving up to form a fist against his lips.

"P-phil." He whimpered warningly.

"Techno quickly!" I shouted, "You're alright Tommy, deep breaths." 

Techno ran back in passing the bucket to me, I held it under Tommy's chin as he threw up his back tensing under my hand. "Sh-sh-shh, easy Tommy." Wilbur murmured as his little brother began to cry, "We're right here, you're gonna be just fine." 

He threw up for almost 5 minutes before leaning back against me whimpering sadly. "I've got you sweetheart." I cooed, "You're okay." He grabbed onto my shirt, pressing his warm body against mine, trying to get any comfort he could. I held him close whispering kind things to him. Techno disposed of the buckets contents and Wilbur held the opened bottle of water to Tommy's lips. The younger began to drink, trying to get rid of the horrible taste in his mouth. "Small sips," Wilbur said softly, brushing Tommy's hair out of his eyes.

I felt so bad for Tommy, being sick was horrible, and I knew that Tommy hated be ill the most out of all four of us. It made him feel useless. I put on another film and held Tommy tightly, Tommy quickly fell asleep on me, Techno and Wilbur asleep on the sofa across from us. I smiled fondly at the 3. This was my family, we were safe. I let my eyes close and soon fell asleep too.

Techno's P.O.V

Phil had already left for work when I woke up Wilbur told me he was going out on a supply run, this meant I had to watch over Tommy. The boy slept for most of the time, waking up once or twice to be sick, then falling back asleep again. I went up to my room to finish an essay I was writing and after 20 minutes I heard noises downstairs. I pushed myself away from the desk and walked downstairs. The first thing I noticed was Tommy. He was curled up, knees to chest, crying into his arms. His whole body was shaking as he tried desperately to conceal his scared cries. I rushed to the sofa sitting down and wrapping my arms around him. "Shh, it's okay Tommy, I'm right here, shh, I've got you." I whispered. I rocked him gently in my arms as he cried. "What happened?" I whispered. 

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