Do you even like me? SBI + Tubbo

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Small Trigger warning for suicide based song lyrics.

Tubbo's P.O.V

Something was wrong with Tommy. I had noticed it a while ago. The way that after one of the older guys would make some joke about him he no longer laughed, or the way he barely spoke in calls and when he was streaming he spoke and smiled a lot less. Something was wrong with my best friend and I wanted to know what. 

It was a Saturday night, 11 pm and Tommy and I were in a discord call. Both of our cameras were on. Tommy was finishing some homework and I was playing Tekkit. I could him humming something and I soon recognised it as one of Wilbur's songs.

There's a reason.

London puts barriers on the tube line.

There's a reason.

London puts barriers on the rails.

Jubilee line. Why was he singing that? Of all Wilbur songs he chose that one? I'd known Tommy for almost all my life and when Wilbur released that song, it was a telltale sign that Tommy was sad when he sung it. 

"Hey Tommy?" I said.


"Are you okay?" 

"I--uh...look. I'll be honest and I want you to be honest with me too. Do...Do you actually like me? And does Wilbur and Phil and Techno actually like me? It's just Wilbur told me..." He trailed off.

"Wilbur told you what?" 

"It's nothing.." 

"No. Tommy it's clearly bothering you! I want to know." 

"When we played among us. And he told me that I meant nothing to him. That I wasn't his little brother and he didn't like me. Phil and Techno just stayed silent so I left the call. Ever since then, Wilbur keeps making these little comments on streams and stuff and I just... do you all pretend to like me just as a bit?" 

"Oh god, Tommy no! Of course we like you! You're my best friend. And that thing that Wilbur said to you. That was bullshit. Tommy you don't know how many times Will has told me that you were like a brother to him. The amount of times Phil's called you his son. Techno called you his little brother too, more than he'll ever admit. Tommy if what they say is making you upset then you need to tell them that. Talk to them and let them know." 

A small smile appeared on his face and he looked up at the camera again. "Thank you Tobi." He said softly," I needed to hear that." Then he yawned and I remembered the little sleep he had gotten that week.

"I want you to get some sleep now Tommy. I'll stay on call if you want." He nodded and pushed himself back from his desk. After putting his homework into his school bag he crawled into his bed, already being in an oversized hoodie and some jogging bottoms. I stayed on the call until I knew he had fallen asleep, then I left, making a call with Phil. I sat back and waited for him to join.

"Hey, Tubbo," Phil said, "What's up?" 

"I-I.. are you streaming?" 

"No, is everything okay?" 

"I'm worried about Tommy." I blurted before I could stop myself.

"Ah, so you've noticed it too. I can tell something's off but I was hoping that he would tell me when he was ready. It's been a long time hasn't it?" 

"Yeah, I...something's definitely wrong. He, well, He had all the signs. Being friends with him for this long has made it easy for me to tell and he isn't doing well. I tried to speak to him and he told me a couple things that, well I think I should speak to you as well as Wilbur and Techno." 

Phil added Wilbur and Techno to the call. Both quickly answered. 

"Hi!" Wilbur said enthusiastically.

"Hallo." Techno said, his deep monotonous voice startling me at first.

"Okay, neither of you are streaming right?" Phil asked. They both shook their heads. 

"Something has been going on with Tommy and Tubbo has some information that he wants to tell us." 

"Well, Tommy and I were on call earlier and he asked me whether you only liked him for a bit or for the cameras, he told me that something Will said was really messing with his head, I told him that we all loved but I don't think he believed me. I stayed on call with him until he fell asleep." 

"Did he say what it was that I said?" Wilbur asked.

"He said that you said he meant nothing to you and that he wasn't your little brother in any way. Then he said that your teasing has gotten a bit much recently."

"Oh god. I didn't mean to do that." He mumbled.

"Wilbur you need to apologise to Tommy as soon as you can and we all need to talk to him." Phil announced.

1 am rolled around and I was still on the call. I didn't have college the next day so it was okay for me to stay up. However I knew Tommy had school but he was still online. I sent him an invite to our call after raising my concern with the others. 


Tommy joined.

"Hey Tommy!" I said.

"Hello." He said quietly, his camera turned on and we were all a little shocked at how he looked. His eyes and the end of his nose was a little bit red giving away the fact that he had been crying. His blonde hair was messy and he looked tired.

"Hey, Kiddo," Phil began," I think we need to have a talk. All of us." 

Tommy nodded slowly.

"We've all noticed something is going on with you and we're worried. We just want to know that you're okay!"

"I--I well, I don't know anymore." Tommy murmured pulling his knees up to his chest in his gaming chair. "I guess I haven't been coping too well recently." Tears welled up in his eyes threatening to fall.

"Oh Tommy. Why didn't you tell us? We're always here for you!" Wilbur asked.

"I didn't think you liked me and Will you said that... never mind."

"No Tommy, I know what I said and I didn't mean any of it. I love you okay? We all do. You are like my little brother and I mean that! You mean so much to me! To all of us. I'm so sorry for saying the things that I did."

"I-It's okay W-Will." He murmured. 

"No, if we are ever making you feel uncomfortable or upset...ever, then I want you to tell us. Yell at us just make sure that we know and that we stop." 

Tommy nodded, "O-okay." 

"We all love you Tommy. You know that right. You mean the world to us so don't you dare think otherwise!"

We spent the night on call together before we forced Tommy to go to bed, now he knew, that he could trust us. And we really loved him.

Inspired by a request and my thoughts.

1180 words

love  you guys

- Colby O

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