What Happened? - Tommy

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T/W injury, hospitals and ambulances.

No one's P.O.V

The camera was focused on Techno, who was planning on flipping off a wall onto the ground below and struggling to decide what trick he wanted to do. There was a flash of green as Philza's sleeve brushed across the edge of the lens revealing that he was the one holding the camera. Techno was stood there for roughly a minute, thinking and planning it out with his eyes and just as he looked like he was about to move there was a loud thud, echoing through the background. Techno quickly turned to face his right and the camera swung around too. A cry rang out through the building, unmistakably Ranboo's voice, "Oh god! Someone help!" 

Then the camera's view was blurry as Phil and Techno sprinted over to where Ranboo was stood. The camera is set on the wall giving view of Ranboo, who stood over a body that was crumpled to the ground, face out of view. Techno and Phil were tripping over each other in their hurry to get over the equipment to where he was lying beneath the metal bars. 

Phil's P.O.V

I had been trying to film Techno (per his request) when we heard the thud and instantly, even before Ranboo shouted out for help, we knew something was wrong. That wasn't the thud of someone just dropping from somewhere high, or landing a little off, that was the thud of someone getting hurt. The fact that there was no pained yell or shout that they were okay was only more worrying. So as soon as Ranboo called out we were sprinting across the gym, trying not to injure ourselves in the process. I abandoned the camera on the nearby wall not caring that it was still turned on, just wanting to make sure Tommy was alright, which clearly, he wasn't. His body was crumpled to the ground beneath a bar which I guessed he had fallen off, half of him slightly propped up against the wall. His position looked extremely uncomfortable. "Don't move him!" I called, watching Ranboo lean down to touch him, "He might have a spinal injury."

Ranboo immediately stepped away from Tommy, sitting on the ground by him instead. He was still completely unconscious.

We heard footsteps, looking up to see Dream rushing over, Sapnap and George hot on his heels. "What happened?" Dream asked, eyes widening as he took in the scene.

"I didn't see," I replied, turning to Ranboo for an explanation.

"Oh, he was swinging and he jumped from this bar to this bar," Ranboo said, pointing upwards, "but his hands slipped and he fell, hitting his head on that wall."

"Can you call an ambulance?" I asked, gesturing for George to go and grab his phone from the side to call for help. He nodded, racing away to do what was asked of him. That was when Tommy started to wake up, moving around as he did so. Techno and I quickly moved forward to steady him, Dream walking round to help. He knelt down by the boys head, placing a hand on either side of his face, keeping his neck still to prevent any further damage. All of Tommy's fingers were curled in, tensed up uncontrollably, which was another red flag. Tommy started trying to talk but wasn't able to form any words, slurring too badly. That was when Tubbo returned from the bathroom. It must have been a shock to him. One moment he was leaving a perfectly fine Tommy and the next he saw a whole crowd around his best friend who lay on the ground looking pretty shitty. Tommy's face was pale. Like, he was already quite pale, what with his lack of going outside, but this was a whole other level of pale. At first, I worried he might throw up or something (hitting your head can do that to you sadly) but he didn't seem too nauseated.

"What-... What happened?" Tommy's slurred voice caught my attention.

"You fell mate," I replied, "Hit your head pretty hard but you'll be okay, George is calling an ambulance."

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