Burn his values - Tommy

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BadBoyHalo's P.O.V

Tommy had broken down the statue that I built for him. I thought he had done it to annoy me or to be mean. I thought he was trying to act like he didn't like it which in hindsight I should have realised was stupid since he had come to me at mine and Skeppy's mansion just to say thank you. I thought he'd taken it down because he wanted to spite me. He wouldn't do that though. But that's what I thought. So I was sad. Skeppy knew that I was sad. He could always tell as I could with him. 

"What's wrong Bad?" He asked.

"Tommy, took down the statue that I made for him." I replied.

"He what?!" Skeppy knew that building those statues took a lot of time and effort and they made me happy. "Okay, well...I've got an idea to get revenge on him." 

"We don't need to get revenge, Skeppy!" I said quickly but he cut me off.

"Yes we do!" He protested, "If he made you sad then he deserves to feel it too." 

Skeppy walked off and I quickly to keep up. He went to his ender chest and pulled out what I recognised as cat and mellohi (Tommy's prized discs) and a flint and steel. "No Skeppy you can't burn his discs!!" I cried. 

"Relax Bad, they're not his actual discs. Dream gave me two fakes in case we needed to fake burn them in the war." 

I couldn't believe we were going through with this. We had asked Tommy to meet us behind the mansion. "What's up bitches?!" He shouted enthusiastically.

"Language!" I shouted back. However, I could tell something was off. Maybe he was just guilty. Yeah, that must be it.

"Why did you want me?" He asked. 

"Because Tommy. You did something mean." Skeppy said.

"What did I do? I haven't spoken to you in like..a week?" 

"You destroyed the thing that Bad made for you and for that you're gonna feel sad too." 

Skeppy lit the ground in front of us on fire and held the first disk in the air. As soon as Tommy lay eyes on that disc he began to yell, "NO! NO PLEASE SKEPPY BAD, I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID JUST PLEASE YOU CAN'T BURN MY DISCS PLEASE!" The disk fell from Skeppy's hands into the inferno. There was a sizzling sound as the plastic melted into the grass. Tommy let out a screech and I saw tears filling his eyes. So much hurt. So much pain was in his eyes. We had made a big mistake I turned to Skeppy to tell him to stop but it was too late. I watched as the other fake disc succumbed to the flames. Tommy's legs were shaking and after a moment of shocked silence he fell to his knees, sobs wracking his skinny frame. "No." He whimpered, "No...that's a-all I...Phil gave me those I-I...NO!...w-why." My heart broke. He was just a kid. I ran around the flames so I was at his side. "Tommy-" I began.

"No, y-you, y-you ruined th-them. I-It's all I h-have f-from h-home. I-I just w-wanna go h-home." Tommy cried. That's when I heard shouting from behind me.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" It was Wilbur and Techno. Wilbur ran down the grassy hill and dropped down beside Tommy, pulling the young boy into his arms. Techno ran at Skeppy and me herding us against the wall with the sharp point of a blade glistening menacingly. "What di you do do to him?" Techno said lowly. Neither of us responded. "I said WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LITTLE BROTHER?!!" 

Skeppy flinched back, "We...I burnt the discs -" Skeppy didn't get time to explain that they were fakes before Techno had a sword to his throat. 

"You so much as look at him wrong and you are dead. You hear me? We'll discuss this later. And when I say discuss you'd better prepare for death." 

He stalked off towards where Tommy was wrapped in Wilbur's arms. I could here the youngest repeating the words, "I w-wanna go home, I-I w-wanna go h-home." 

What had we done?

Inspired by a necklace I once had intact.

Anyone want a part 2? 

Credit to YuuChang for giving me the idea.

715 words

love you guys

- Colby O

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