If you loved me why'd you leave me - Tommy

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T/W Abuse, Mild violence, Illness, Implied Vomiting, Hospitals, Surgery, Mentions of Needles and medical equipment. 

This one's long so strap in!

Wilbur's P.O.V

To say the situation was unexpected was an understatement. I was in the middle of a stream, live with Phil and Nikki when I got a call. I would normally decline the call, as I was streaming and it would be rude to just take a call, but the contact info that flashed up on the screen made it impossible to decline. 

It was Tommy's mother. That meant something was wrong. 

"Hey, chat, I have to take this call. Nikki, Phil, can you entertain them?" 

"Sure mate," Phil replied. I didn't get time to hear Nikki's response as I had already deafened on discord, reaching for my phone that was endlessly buzzing.

"Hello?" I answered, holding the phone up to my ear and checking you couldn't see the number or anything on my face cam.

"Wilbur, oh god, I-" She was cut off by a sob, making me freeze up completely.

"Mrs Innit?" I prodded gently, "Is everything alright?"

"I'm leaving, Wilbur. I'm not staying in that house anymore and I need you to know so you can keep an eye on Tommy."

"Hold on, can you repeat that, I'm a...a little confused."

"My husband is abusive. He hurts Tommy and me and I am weak, I know. I cannot stand it any longer so I am leaving. I hope that if I leave, my husband may calm down. I'm hoping that I'm a problem for him, that leaving will solve. If I'm not, if he hurts Tommy further then I need you to be able to help him."

"Mrs Innit, with all due respect, can't you call the police?"

"Don't you think I've tried all that? I called the police before but my husband's father is the Cheif there. Who do you think he believes? The both of them were able to cover it up so quick, I- This is my only chance, Wilbur. Just promise me you'll look out for Tommy. He's really sick, I wanted to take him to a hospital but my husband wouldn't let me. He's in really bad condition. You're the closest person to him right now. You and Phil and everyone in your group are the closest things he's got to family now.  I'm sorry but I have to go, just please help him."


The line was cut.

I was in shock. Such a huge amount of information had been given in such little time. Tommy's mother was leaving because Tommy's father was abusive to them. So, Tommy was still potentially in danger.  I undeafened on discord and unmuted my mic to the stream. "Hey guys, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to leave. I completely forgot about something important so I need to head out. I'll stream for longer next time I promise!" I ended the stream and left the discord call before I could see any messages or be asked any questions. Quickly, I scrolled to Tommy's profile pressing voice call.

I let it ring for 2 minutes before giving up.

I remembered that Tommy had been pretty sick the last time that I spoke to him. He had had a high fever and throughout the course of the call, he had been shivering, coughing violently and seemed to be having trouble breathing. I had told him that he needed to go and see a doctor as it seemed like he had pneumonia and he agreed saying he felt worse than he probably ever had. I hadn't heard from him much since then which was about a week. Even so, it was concerning, I normally couldn't go about 3 hours without a text from him but I assumed he was just resting. But his mother said he hadn't gotten hospital treatment even though she wanted him to as his dad wouldn't let him. If I was right by saying he had pneumonia, he could be in even more danger than I first thought. This was bad. Really, really bad. First things first, I needed to call him. I ring his actual phone number, hoping it would show him how urgent the situation was.

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