What happened? pt 2 - Tommy

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T/W Mild internalised ableism.

Wilbur's P.O.V

Throughout Tommy's time in the hospital, almost every house member came to visit him at least once. Phil, Tubbo and I were the three to pick him up and bring him home.

We had gone to get him in the early hours of the morning so when we arrived home, we made our way over to the couch, collapsing down and ready to go back to sleep. Phil was laying across one part of the sofa, me laying across the other half and Tommy laying half on top of both of us, his head resting in my lap. I leaned my head back to rest against the back of the sofa, letting my hand gently thread through Tommy's hair, lulling him to sleep.

We awoke only half an hour later hearing Dream, George and Puffy moving about in the kitchen. Well, I was the first awake but as I tried to slide out from under Tommy I accidentally woke him up. He looked around confusion fogging over his eyes. "Hey Toms, you're at home," I said softly, noticing as he look to his left before realising I was to his right. His hearing was really disorienting sometimes. He just nodded tiredly, pressing his head against my shoulder. "You wanna go back to sleep?" I asked.

He shook his head, standing up with me and walking beside me as I made my way to the kitchen. Puffy was the first to notice us, rushing over to hug Tommy, closely followed by Dream and George.

"Hey sweetheart," Puffy smiled, "It's good to have you home." 

"Thanks," Tommy murmured, still too tired to really comprehend what was happening around him. Tommy moved to sit on the counter while I started walking around the kitchen to see what I could help with. 

At first, things weren't too different at first. Obviously, Tommy's memory wasn't just better so we had to keep reiterating things to him and explaining things he had already been told. Some days his memory got really bad, to the point he would forget something barely a minute after being told. Those days, we would just lay down on the sofa (any free house members would join us) and we would watch some random cartoon show. Something simple like adventure time as they were episodes that could easily be replayed and while we were slightly addicted to the show, we wouldn't get bored if we watched it more than once. Tommy's stutter was also a big thing still, a factor which I knew got on his nerves sometimes. Every Wednesday afternoon (without fail) I would drive him to speech therapy and sit with him throughout the hour. His speech therapist gave us a couple of activities that we could perform at home so one of the house members would sit with him when he wanted us to and go through the activity to see if it made him feel better.

Now, I didn't think there were any problems. Obviously, things weren't perfect but I didn't know that there was something wrong until almost a month after Tommy had gotten home. 

The first time I noticed something was wrong was at dinner. In the house, at mealtimes - except breakfast - we would all get together in either the living room or the dining room to eat. There was a 'chore' schedule that we had to follow and one of the things that we needed to do was make dinner. 5 people were assigned that task a night and it had been Nikki, Jack, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity. Everyone was sat at the dining room table, talking about our days and making light conversation as we ate. Tommy was sat in the chair next to me (as always) and I noticed how he kept looking around as though he couldn't keep up with the different conversations that were happening. He kept turning his head, trying to focus in on one voice but being unable to.

After a couple of minutes, he got to his feet suddenly and excused himself, saying that he was going to the bathroom. I noticed George staring at me from across the table. "Is he okay?" He asked, gesturing to where Tommy had just walked out.

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