Poison in the Air - Tommy

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T/W Anxiety, Hypochondria (Sickness fear) Seizures - briefly mentioned.

Tommy's P.O.V

I was excited to be moving into a new apartment. It had been a long wait to finally move out and become fully independent but I was so happy that it was finally time. My parents were... hesitant to say the least, worrying about how I wouldn't take care of myself properly and things of the like but after much reassurance and promising them that they could visit me and I would visit them, they finally gave in. Wilbur helped to sway them a lot. My mum was always very fond of Wilbur, treating him like another son which I found hilarious and Wil liked to boast about and my Dad was thankful for him, telling him as much and that he was glad Wilbur was there to help when I needed it. He promised my parents that he would call me every evening - just like we did anyway - and he would visit me as much as possible. We both knew that we would be spending a lot of time together anyway, practically living at each other's places and I guess that put my parents at ease a little more, giving in and letting me make my plans to leave.

Wilbur helped me find an apartment in Brighton, 4 hours away from my parent's house and a 5-minute walk from Wilbur's, 20 from Phil's and 30 from Jack's. I think that was another thing that helped to reassure my parents, the constant knowledge that I would always have someone living close by should I need help or something. I packed a lot of my stuff into boxes, trying to keep everything as organised as possible. There weren't as many boxes as I had originally thought there was going to be, my only prior experience with moving was moving house when I was 11 so I had thought there would be more but there were only 4 boxes. If I needed anything else, I had a good amount of money and an Amazon Prime subscription so I would get it the next day.

We left early in the morning for the 4-hour car drive so that we would get there at a reasonable time which ended up being around midday.

It took roughly an hour to take all of my belongings inside, Ash - from Lovejoy - joining us somewhere along the way as he had been in the area and asked if I needed a hand. Ash, my dad and I collapsed onto the sofa in the living room of the apartment. The three of us were already exhausted even after we had barely done anything. My dad had to leave shortly after so that he would get home before it was too dark but Ash stayed for another hour, helping me to move the heavier items. I knew he was worried about leaving me by myself, it was clear from the way he would linger constantly and if I did have a seizure, he would refuse to let me continue whatever I had been doing for a good 5-10 minutes. It was nice that he cared but I also really wanted to get things done so I was a little thankful when he had to leave for a meeting. Don't get me wrong, I loved Ash, he was great! I just got a little annoyed at people hovering over me sometimes.

After Ash left I continued to put things away in their rightful places in my new, temporary, home but now I noticed a strange smell. It had disappeared just as quickly as I had noticed it so I just assumed that it had been the smell of the cardboard boxes or something coming in from outside as I had the window open. Thinking nothing of it, I continued to unpack.

In the evening I noticed I had started to feel pretty sick; my head was aching badly and my stomach swirled nauseatingly. I guess dinner wasn't an option. Deciding it was nothing more than homesickness, I curled up on the sofa putting a film on the TV and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken to banging at the door, loud and frantic. Getting up, wincing at the way my neck ached from my awkward sleeping arrangement I noticed that my supposed 'homesickness' had gotten much worse. Walking to the door was a struggle, dizziness taking over making me stop a few times but ultimately reaching my goal and checking through the peephole before opening the door. It was my landlord.

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