But We're Feeling So Alive So Fuck Awkward Timing [Incomplete]

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Quick sketch after the match in I style I wouldn't normally use - It's supposed to be George lol but I gave up on the face

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Quick sketch after the match in I style I wouldn't normally use - It's supposed to be George lol but I gave up on the face

I wrote this because I was forced to play sports while on my period because the person who chooses if we are allowed to go home or not told me that period cramps weren't that bad and I was overreacting. I threw up. He did send me home after that.

It was the day of the Sidemen charity match and George was beyond excited. He had been waiting for the day for literal months, practising whenever he got the chance, afraid that he would make a fool of himself if he didn't. Dream, Sapnap and Karl were quick to reassure him that he was going to be okay and Karl would be with him at the match anyway, even though he was playing on the opposing team. The nerves got worse and worse the closer match day got but George attempted to bury himself in various other tasks to try and keep himself calm.

The match was being held in The Valley Stadium, fully sold out with hundreds of thousands of fans seated around the outskirts of the pitch. The second George arrived he was ushered into the Youtube All Stars locker room, adjacent to the Sidemen FC. Karl greeted him at the door - already dressed in the black and white SDMN kit pulling him into a tight hug with a smile, clearly buzzing with excitement. Though, George could see the nervous look in his eyes before Jimmy scared him from behind, the worry melting away into pure joy. "I'll see you on the pitch!" He grinned, letting Jimmy lead him away to the other locker room, "Good luck!"

As Karl disappeared, a hand appeared on George's shoulder and he turned to see Chandler standing behind him, Chris not far behind. They were the two that George was most familiar with. Everyone else on his team was only people that he had heard of or very very briefly spoken with.

The locker rooms were absolute chaos everyone hyping each other up as they changed into the red and white kit. George remained quiet for the most part, not knowing people or how to respond to them, only occasionally quipping in when prompted.

Getting out onto the pitch was a wave of pure euphoria that George didn't realise he wanted or needed. Hearing the crowd's screams and cheers and feeling the closeness of everyone around him was that spirit lift that he needed to get his head into the game.

He was on immediately.

A little over 5 minutes in, the first goal was scored thanks to Chunkz making a long kick that Pie face just couldn't stop.

SDMN         YTAS
     0                   1

Barely 3 minutes later, Niko took a shoot and he too scored! George stayed back while the rest of his team rushed in to celebrate the short victory - after all he had never been too keen on contact, especially if it was with people he didn't know very well.

     0                2

Then, Vikk was subbed in and Jimmy (MrBeast) was subbed out. Vikk seemed to have been the missing piece as two minutes after he had been subbed in, Sidemen FC scored their first goal. Simon had passed to Vikk and even as Gib slid beneath his feet in a foul attempt to trip him up he kicked and he scored the Sidemen team and even a couple of the Youtube All Stars gathering to congratulate him.

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