Esempee Primary pt. 4

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Phil's P.O.V

I was surprised when two boys knocked on my door, telling me that they had been sent down by Eret. Then, they proceeded to tell me that there was no reason for them to have been sent and I knew that they were talking absolute bullshit. Eret was one of the kindest people I knew and he often gave people the benefit of the doubt even when I wasn't sure they deserved it. In situations where most people would get angry and yell, Eret was stayed calm and spoke with reason. The idea that Eret would punish anyone (especially without a claim) was ridiculous. So all I did was look up from my computer, raise an eyebrow and say a quiet, "Uh-huh, sure. Well, if you won't tell me what you did then you can wait here in silence until Eret gets here. I would much rather hear it from you though." It still didn't convince them to talk though so I continued my work on my computer for a good five minutes before there was a knock on the door and Eret stepped inside.

"Ah, Eret, perfect! These two young gentlemen haven't exactly been, co-operative so do you have a moment to explain?" I said, moving my chair so my face wasn't obscured by the computer screen.

"Yeah, of course. So you two didn't want to explain?" She asked, sitting down in the chair and looking at the boys with a disappointed expression. They both looked at the ground. "Here's a fun fact for you, Mr Minecraft here is actually Tommy's father, isn't that nice?" 

I didn't miss the way the two kids paled slightly at that. Anger rose within me, what had they done to my son?

"Still don't wanna say anything? Okay, well then I'll explain, these two were caught making fun of Tommy and Karl for ticcing. They were extremely nasty about it and used some, let's just say, pretty ableist words. Karl has gone back to the class with Mr Halo and Tommy is with Mr Soot at the moment but I won't have that in my class."

I couldn't stop my brow from furrowing as rage grew within me. "So, you're telling me that these two made fun of someone else, which is already unacceptable but they made fun of them for something that they can't control?" I asked incredulously, my voice rising in pitch slightly.

The boys still didn't say anything. "Why would you do that?" 

After a moment of silence Eret spoke up again, "They said that it was funny." 

"Right, well, I will be calling home for the both of you and I think it is only appropriate for you two to be in detention for 2 weeks minimum. You don't get to go out for break or lunch. Neither of you will go anywhere near Karl or Tommy and any more incidents like this could lead to suspension or expulsion. This is extremely serious and it's something that you need to learn you can't get away with. The two of you can go and sit in the office waiting room while I talk to Eret and then call your parents." 

They nodded, looking worried and left the room. "How come Mr NotFound's class is in with yours?" I asked, turning to face Eret once the door had shut.

"George had a seizure so I offered to take the class," Eret explained.

"Ah, that makes sense, well, I'll call the boys' parents and then I think I'll head down to your class, check on Karl and Tommy." 

Eret gave me a thumbs up before making his way out of the room. 

Eret's P.O.V

I left Phil's office and made my way back towards Dream and George's classroom, wanting to check in and see how George was doing. I stepped through the doorway and saw George was sitting down at his desk, Dream hovering over him uncertainly. "Hey Eret," Dream said, the first to notice me, making George look up. He looked a little tired but more annoyed than anything.

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