Horror games. - DreamNotFound

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Dream's P.O.V

I finally convinced George to play horror games with me. We played two. Outlast and FNAF. We were sat at my desk in my room and had a face cam on with only George showing. Outlast went...well? I mean, we didn't get to finish the game because George got to scared but it was okay and he agreed after a small break to continue. We were only playing FNAF 1 which was apparently the least scary since George was already upset that I was making him play horror. For the next 10 minutes of the stream we just sat and let people join, reading out chat and any donations, then I muted them so I could immerse us back into the gaming. I stood up and walked over to the light switch flicking it off before turning on my LED lights red. George looked at me and I could tell he was already freaking out so I sat down beside him again and put my hand over his with a reassuring smile. We started the game and it was going well.

Night 1 went by quickly, George was freaking out over every little noise. 

Night 2, George lost his shit when Foxy ran down the hall towards the camera. He yelped and pulled himself closer to me. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and ran my hand over his upper arm to calm him. "I don't like this!" He whimpered. I laughed quietly, not at him of course, and whispered back, "You're okay." 

Night 3 was when everything went downhill for George. The first proper jumpscare. George brought up the cameras and began check through when all of a sudden Chica's face appeared with a loud scream. George jumped so badly, pushing himself into my lap. I held him feeling him shaking a little. "Ah!" He shouted. "What the fffff-" He trailed off. The chat was going crazy spamming 


Aww, they're so cute.


Although they couldn't see me, they could still easily tell where I was. This also meant that they knew George was sat in my lap. I was holding him around his waist and he had his arms around my neck, face pressed against my shoulder.

"I hate scary games!" He exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you play it." I said slowly. He stayed silent.

"Okay well you guys got a good scare out of George so I think it's probably time for us to go. I mean it's almost 4 am and I'm tired." I said, "I'll stream something tomorrow, see you guys! Goodnight." I ended the stream and heard George sniffle quietly. "Hey, Hey!" I cooed. "What's wrong?" 

"I made a complete fool of myself. I shouldn't have gotten scared." He murmured tearfully, "It's pathetic." 

"No Georgie." I whispered, wiping his face with the sleeves of my lime green hoodie. "It's perfectly normal to be scared it's a horror game! I bet you the fans were terrified and I'll let you in on a secret, I was scared too. I don't really show it that much but I was getting scared as well." George wrapped his legs around my waist and we sat together, just enjoy each others company for a couple minutes. "You wanna get ready for bed?" The smaller boy nodded. I carried him to the bedroom passing him his pyjamas before I got myself changed. I was wearing a loose green t-shirt and some black jogging bottoms. George wore a loose white t-shirt and blue flannel trousers. We both crawled into bed and I switched off my light. George curled in on himself as close to me as possible. I just wrapped my arms around him.

After almost an hour, George still wasn't asleep. He had laid there tossing and turning beside me, something clearly bothering him. "Georgie." I whispered huskily.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Whats's wrong?" 

"I-I don't w-wanna sleep. I-I don't f-feel safe." 

"Oh Georgie!" I sat up and pulled him close. "It's okay. I've got you." I hugged the smaller boy, running my hands over his back. "I'm sorry I made you play those games." 

"It's fine, I just r-really don't like them." 

I laid us back down, this time I kept my arms around George keeping him pressed up against me. "I've got you. I promise you're safe, I'll protect you." 

George soon fell asleep in my arms.

Inspired by George's fear of horror.

 750 words

 love y'all

- Colby O

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