Scream and Shout - Dream Smp x Sleepy Bois Inc

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Before I start this includes swearing, violent talk and mentions of past abuse, trauma, panic attacks and PTSD.

Read at your own risk!

Tommy's P.O.V

I was just playing on the Dream SMP with Tubbo, I was minding my own business, trying to build a rollercoaster when Wilbur was suddenly in the call. This was quickly followed by Dream and Quackity. Soon, half of the SMP was in my discord chat. Obviously, this wasn't a great idea. Everyone was arguing - at each others throats - within seconds. Contrary to belief, I didn't like shouting. Well, not when it gets serious. My past was full of shouting and hiding, screaming and pain and whenever people were shouting insults or threats at each other, it brought it all back. All of the memories that I wished with my everything that I could just forget. So when I heard Quackity say, "I'm gonna kill you Will, you're so fucking dead!" I began to panic a little. I was streaming so I muted and read out some chat and donation messages trying to calm my rapidly beating heart. 

When I unmuted, it was worse. Everyone was telling each other to shut up and how awful they were at Minecraft and although it didn't seem too bad, I couldn't breathe. There was a loud bang, as Wilbur slammed his hands on his desk. On instinct, I covered my face with my arms, flinching badly. No one knew about my home life. They knew nothing about my family. The only person that I had entrusted with anything, was Tubbo, and the only thing that he knew was that my dad was an alcoholic and ended up in prison for doing bad things.

Then I remembered the stream. I acted like there was nothing wrong, plastering a smile onto my pale face. That's when my chat began to blow up with;

What was that?

Why did he cover his face

Are you okay

Bitch boi

I ignored it as best as I could, but as the shouting increased in volume, my shaking grew worse. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes and I felt my chest tightening. I needed out. Tubbo too, went silent. My breathing picked up and I knew my cheeks where going red as I started to cry. Tubbo had noticed. He had opened a tab of my stream as soon as the yelling started so he could see my predicament. He spammed me with; 

/msg TommyInnit 'VC 3'

/msg TommyInnit 'VC 3'

/msg TommyInnit 'VC 3'

/msg TommyInnit 'VC 3'

I left and joined VC 3 feeling a single tear roll down my cheek. I ended my stream with no explanation. I would make up some excuse later. 

"Tommy?" Tubbo said softly, "Are you okay?" 

"I- I--" I couldn't speak so I just turned on my webcam knowing that Tubbo wasn't streaming. 

"Oh Tommy." He said, "Breathe!" 

"I-I, I can't, "I whimpered, my hand grasping my shirt at my chest. Then I heard the notification sound as another person joined our call. Dream.

"Tommy?" He said, "Are you okay, you looked like you were crying?"

That's when my video must have loaded in for him as he quickly followed up by saying, "Holy shit! Okay, Tommy I need you to name 5 things that you can see right now." 

I could hear Dream typing hurriedly onto his keyboard.

"I-I uh w-well, I s-see T-Tubbo, my d-desk, my monitor, m-my keyboard and m-my m-mouse." 

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