That's not right pt.2 - Tommy

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T/W mild description of injury, tics and alcohol

Tommy's P.O.V

I wasn't happy to be home. I guess that made sense. But I longed badly to be with Scott and safe. I knew that that couldn't happen though. Maybe if I did well and I completed all my chores early, my parents might let me out to go and see him. Probably not. But at least there was a chance.

The odds were never in my favour and by the time it was 7 pm I noticed that I still had a mountain of chores to do, angry parents and no time to go and see Scott or finish my chores before Wilbur would arrive and take me for filming. I guess my parents were also quick to realise as only 20 minutes later they were barging into my room (where I was cleaning) and beginning to yell in a drunken rage. The stench of alcohol reeked from both of them and I knew I was really in for it. See, my parents had this unspoken rule. You can beat the shit out of Tommy but you mustn't aim for his head or do it in a situation that may be risky. I didn't expect that either of those rules would be broken lest not that night but yet again the odds were never in my favour and they completely lost it. I tried apologising, begging for them to leave me alone, hell I even began to pray to anyone that could hear me even though I wasn't really religious. Pure terror was rushing through me and I didn't know what to do. There was nowhere to run or hide, I was trapped in the corner of the kitchen, boxed in by my parents. I was screwed.

My dad was the first to take action, stepping forward and throwing a punch directly to my face. There was a sickening crack as my father's fist hit my nose, blood instantly dripping down my face and collecting slightly on my upper lip. I went reeling back into my desk, which was definitely going to leave a bruise on my back before I was being attacked from both sides. It felt never-ending when in reality I was only conscious for about 10 minutes. The last thing I remembered was my mother's hand hitting my face, rings ripping the skin as my head snapped back hitting the desk with a thud. Then the world went dark.

Scott's P.O.V

I was worried. Tommy had promised me that he would message me before 8 am. He had never forgotten before or failed to do so and I had sent him two reminder texts anyway, just in case he had forgotten. Still, the messages were never read and I never received any either. My roommates were very quickly catching on to my anxiety, Oli being the first to actually ask.

"Scott, is everything okay?" He asked.

"I, uh, it's gonna sound stupid but I told Tommy to message me before 8 pm and he never forgets but this time...he hasn't said anything. I'm just worried about him." I explained.

"That's not stupid at all. I get it. I'd say give it another 15 minutes and then if you're still really worried, we'll head over to his place and check on him." Lizzie said, always good with comforting others.

I nodded, and sunk down onto the sofa, between Oli and Jimmy, stopping where I had been pacing back and forth in my anxiety.

5 minutes went by with me checking my phone every other second before a ringing began.

Wilbur Soot is calling.

Wilbur's P.O.V

We had scheduled the meetup almost a month ago so for Tommy to just forget about it, was worrying. I didn't even know if he had forgotten or maybe he had gotten caught up in something else because he wasn't answering his phone. I had pulled up at Tommy's house noticing that his parent's car was gone and all the lights in the house were off. Had he gone out? Maybe he had gone with his parents to the shops or something and he would be back at any second. I went up to the door and rang the bell a couple of times (just in case) but gave up when I got no response. Instead, I made my way back to my car, sitting in the front seat and turning the heater up as I waited for Tommy's return. I was only able to wait for 20 minutes before I started to freak out. I knew that there was something wrong. That brotherly instinct in me was causing alarm bells to sound in my head, deafening any other thoughts that I had. Something was wrong and I need to make sure Tommy was okay. In the back of my mind, I remembered Tommy mentioning that he, Scott and Scott's roommates were getting closer and that he went to see them often so maybe they would know where he was. 

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