Gender? Don't know her - Karl

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Accidental Misgendering, Transphobia, Small abuse scene.

Karl's P.O.V

So, something that not many people knew about me was the fact that I was gender fluid. Actually, the only people that knew were my parents, who disowned me, Jimmy, Chandler and Chris. That was it. In fact, Jimmy, Chandler and Chris were so nice about it. I went by she/they/he pronouns but the order of preference changed a lot. Some days, I felt more feminine, some days I felt more masculine and other days I felt both. It was Chris who helped me figure myself out in the first place.

We had been sitting in the office and I was on my phone scrolling through social media with Chris leaning over my shoulder when I saw a picture of a girl wearing a really pretty skirt. It was a black skirt with two thin white lines, running around the bottom.

Chris smirked, "You think she's pretty?" 

Oh, he thought I was into the girl. Well, it would make sense for me to be, after all, I shouldn't be wanting to wear a skirt right? I decided to raise the thought with Chris. "I mean, yeah, she's pretty but I was looking at the skirt if I'm honest," I replied, a little hesitantly. 

"It's nice. Would you...Would you wanna wear something like that?" It was an open question, I knew that I didn't have to answer him but part of me really wanted to explain how I felt. I trusted Chris anyway. He wouldn't make fun of me or laugh at me. "Somedays, I guess," I murmured.

"Somedays?" He questioned further.

"Yeah, somedays I wanna wear a skirt or something more inherently feminine and then other days I don't."

"Like you have some days where you feel feminine and others where you feel masculine?"

"Mhm, and some where I feel both or neither."

I was confused, how did he know what I was talking about?

"Have you ever thought about maybe being gender fluid?"

"I, uh, I'm not entirely sure what that is," I said sheepishly. Chris took the phone from my hands, typing, gender fluid definition, into Google.

Denoting or relating to a person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed gender.

He pressed on a couple of different websites that went more in-depth about gender fluidity and the more I read the happier I felt. So there was genuinely a term for how I had been feeling. Gender fluid. We read through some pronouns and I asked Chris to try them for me. "Alright, this is my friend Karl, he's really kind and we all love him. This is my friend Karl, they're really kind and we all love them. This is my friend Karl, she's really kind and we all love her."

"I, uh, I liked all of those," I murmured, feeling my cheeks heat up a little.

"That's completely fine, some days your pronouns will change and you might prefer using one over another. I'll ask you in the mornings what you'd prefer, is your name still fine."

"Yeah, I like it."

"Alright, that's cool, obviously you don't need to label yourself now or at all if you don't want to but think about it cause you seem shocked that it's a thing and it seems to fit."

Chris was stumbling over his words and I could tell he wasn't entirely sure on what he was saying, just rambling for my benefit. I smiled, holding back a laugh which finally stopped his talking as he realised what he was doing too.

" Hey Karl, do have any clothes that you can wear on the days you feel more feminine?"


"Wanna go shopping after work?"

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