What he did - Karl x Quackity x Sapnap

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Karl's P.O.V

For some reason, Schlatt had taken a liking to me. A liking. By a liking, I mean, he needed someone to take his anger out on, and act out his weird fantasies. He chose me. He told me it was because I was so young, I was innocent and it would be fun watching all the happiness drain from overtime. I was terrified but I didn't want to tell anyone because I knew that would only make things worse.

People began to question why I was spending so much time with Schlatt, and he quickly made up the excuse that I was working on him with some design plans. In reality, he was yelling at me or beating the shit out of me. I wanted to get out.

One day, he went too far. I guess it was my fault but I had had enough. We were sat in the Whitehouse, one of the meeting rooms to be specific, and Schlatt was shouting at me. Yelling how useless I was, how I couldn't do anything right and I was over it. "Stop!" I shouted, "Please, I hate this I-I...I hate you!" Tears were dripping down my face. 

"What did you just say to me? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!!" Schlatt stormed over and grabbed a fistful of my hair dragging me out of my chair, over to the wall. He pushed me up against it, slamming the back of my head repeatedly against the wall. My vision was blurring and a ringing filled my ears. All I could feel was the pain. The pain and pure terror. "You will NEVER speak to me like that. I am your president!!" He began to repeatedly punch my face and ribs. "For that. You will be punished."

He grabbed my wrist with a crushing force, digging in his nails until blood was trickling down my pale white skin. He pulled down multiple corridors as I stumbled over my own feet, barely able to stay conscious. I knew that I needed medical help, soon. I could feel the blood dripping down my neck from where Schlatt had cracked open my head. He opened a heavy metal door, in a part of the building that I had never seen before, and shoved me down the flight of stairs, shutting the door behind me. As I tumbled down the stairs, I felt my ankle snap painfully beneath me and even more bruising was soon to come. The room was small and cold, leaving me feeling painfully claustrophobic. I curled up into a tight ball, letting my eyes shut as I slipped into an uneasy rest.

Quackity's P.O.V

Something was wrong. Schlatt seemed way too happy to be normal. Don't get me wrong, I was happy that Schlatt was in a good mood, but I knew this meant he had done something. George, Dream, Schlatt and I were sat having a meeting in the conference room when Schlatt excused himself saying he had to check on something. As soon as he had left the room, the rest of us broke into conversation. "Something's going on," I said.

"I know, I don't...It's weird..." George murmured.

"Something's clearly happening and I want to know what," I said, "Also, has anyone seen Karl, Sapnap and I were worried when he didn't come back last night." 

"He came here," George said, "At about 6 pm yesterday, Schlatt told me I could leave early and then he went towards the cellars so I didn't see Karl leaving. You don't think..." 

"I don't know but we're going to find out." 

Karl's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, feeling someone touching the back of my head. They were pulling apart the hair (since it was matted with blood) as they tried to get to the wound. As everything began to come into focus, I jolted at the realisation that it was Schlatt. "I wouldn't move if I were you." He said sharply. I lay still.

"W-What are you d-doing?" I said quietly.

"Fixing up your head a little bit, wouldn't want you to bleed out before we've had any real fun." The sad thing was. I knew he wasn't joking. There no lightness to his tone, just sinister truth that twisted its way around my heart, filling me with fear. He cleaned up the back of my head, just enough that it would stop bleeding before shoving me back as he began to kick me. I curled my legs up to my chest in a feeble attempt to protect myself, this only succeeded in make Schlatt angrier. He forced my legs down, rolled me into my back and then pressed his foot to my throat. My hands grasped desperately at the shoe trying to push it off me so I would be able to breathe. Once he had had enough of my neck, I stood on my chest, crushing my ribs. I was screaming in pain as he punched me and told me to keep quiet. He gave me one last kick in the side before retreating to the door. "I'll be back soon." He called, slamming the door and plunging the room
- once more- into darkness. 

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