Getting you out - Tommy

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T/W for abuse, domestic violence, divorce, implied depression, homophobia, breakups.

Tommy's P.O.V

My parents never got along. In the first 6 years of my life, they made an effort to keep the fighting to a minimum and when they were shouting they would usually do it in their room, or as far from me as they could. 

However, when I turned 6. They stopped trying. On my birthday, I found myself curled up in the corner of my bedroom, my hands clamped over my ears and my knees tucked up to my chest. I was scared. I had always hated loud noise, especially yelling. So, hearing my parent's voices rise and rise with tones that I can only describe as pure hatred, made me terrified. The next 4 years were full of non-stop yelling and violence. My mum was really unhappy. I could tell. The fact that she was sad made me sad so I would do everything I could to help. I made food for everyone, I cleaned the house and the car, I did the laundry and I did most of the shopping. Even at only 6-10 years old. I just wanted my parents to be proud of me. 

When I turned 11, my parents decided to get a divorce. My mum was sick of my dad so she just disappeared one morning. Never coming home. The divorce papers came in the mail a few days later and we realised what she had done. I hadn't understood back then. I just thought that I hadn't been a good enough son. 

After she left, dad started drinking. A lot. Basically, 24/7 at that point and he blamed everything on me. Especially mum leaving. I continued to do all the chores around the house and taking care of my dad, clearing up after him and scrubbing beer out of the carpet after he'd knocked over his bottle. I kept good grades in school and tried to cause as little trouble as I could despite being bullied. Dad would hit me. A lot. He would yell for hours and beat me until I was sure I would die. I wanted too at that point.

At 13, I was discovering more about myself. I learnt that I was pansexual for one. A friend at school was teaching me about LGBTQ+ since he had recently come out as gay and I thought he was the best person I should ask. He explained what pansexuality was and I immediately knew that that...was me. All my confused feelings that had been building actually meant something. I thought it was just me growing up and being confused but in reality, it made perfect sense.

When I was 14, I started streaming on Twitch and I made a youtube channel. With the money I made, I started to pay the bills. Soon, it was like I was the adult and my father was just...I don't even know. He was just an alcoholic bastard that scared me to my core. Through streaming, I met all sorts of people like Wilbur, Tubbo, Phil, Nikki, Techno, Eret and more. Although all of us were close, I had grown especially close to Eret. We were really good friends off-camera and he was like a big brother to me. 

Now, at 16, things were worse than ever. I couldn't remember the last time my dad was sober, I couldn't remember the last time that I felt safe in my house and I couldn't remember the last time that I'd been happy for more than a few minutes. A year ago I had started dating someone. Their name was Alex. Not Quackity. I liked them a lot so when the relationship ended it definitely took its toll on me. When my dad found out about Alex he was furious. He yelled at me and hit me and screamed for hours and hours about how I wasn't his son and I was just a dirty sinner. Ever since then, he's brought Alex into every argument. 

It's how he ruined me coming out to Eret:

Eret and I were on a call, just chatting to each other and trying to calm down after reasonably stressful days. That's when my door was flung open and my dad barged through, stinking of smoke and alcohol. I turned off my camera and mic, turning to face him as he yelled insult after insult. Eventually, he had had enough. He grabbed my neck and flung me backwards against my desk and keyboard.

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