Little brother - Tommy

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Trigger warning- mentioned abuse

Nikki's P.O.V

Ever since Wilbur had introduced me to Tommy, I had felt a strange sense of protectiveness over him. He just seemed to bring out this motherly instinct in me that made me feel the need to protect him. Whenever I talked to him on stream, my chat seemed to want me to hate him. They didn't notice the way he would pause and ask for my opinion on something or fall silent, listening intently, when I was speaking. They also didn't notice the anxiety that seemed to radiate from the boy, hidden by that facade of confidence that he seemed to wear each stream. I was worried about him. He didn't open up to me or Wilbur although Wilbur told me once or twice that he'd tried to talk to Tommy and the boy had simply replied that he 'couldn't talk about it' as it was 'too much'. I didn't fully understand but I wanted him to be safe. It was better if he opened up to us when he was ready, on his own terms than if we tried to force it out of him and only succeeded in making him more withdrawn.

It was the night of a big lore stream, an hour or so before we were going to start. I was sat in a VC with Wilbur and Eret just discussing life when the noise of someone joining filtered through my headphones. "Oh, hey Tommy!" Wilbur said enthusiastically.

"Uh, hey, is anyone streaming?" 

"Nope! Are you alright? You sound a little...I don't know...shaky?" 

"I-I'm fine, c-can I borrow you for a moment, Nikki?" He asked.

I perked up hearing my name, "Yeah sure." 

"But we were having a conversation!" Wilbur whined. 

"I'll be back before you know it," I laughed.

I joined VC2 seeing that Tommy had moved to that call. "Hey Tommy," I said, "What's up?" 

"Hey, uh, I thought it would be best to ask you because you know about make-up and I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm really really confused and I'm sorry for interrupting you and Wilbur and Eret's conversation and -" 

"Woah, Woah, Woah," I said, cutting off his rapid talking, "Take a breath, Tommy. What happened? You mentioned make-up?" 

"I-I need help figuring out how to use this stuff." 

"Can you turn your camera on and show me what you've got?" 

"Okay." Tommy's icon disappeared and a second or two later was replaced by his webcam. The right side of his face was encased in a big, mottled bruise. "Oh my gosh! What happened?!" I asked.

"I, uh, I don't really wanna talk about it." He mumbled.

"That's okay, you don't need to. But if you're in danger or you ever want to talk about it then I'm always here and everyone else will be willing to listen." 

"Mhm...thanks, Nikki. Can you help me cover it?" 

"Sure, as soon as you end stream I want you to wash it off though." 

"Yeah, I will." 

"Alright, show me what products you have." 

The make-up looked quite old and I was guessing that it belonged to his mother but I still guided him through the process of covering his bruise. "I don't want this to be a regular thing, Tommy. It's worrying enough as a one-time thing let alone if this happens more than once." Tommy just nodded. 

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation earlier." 

"Don't apologise, sweetheart, if you need me, ever, then I'll always be willing to help. You can always come and get me no matter what I'm doing, alright?" 

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