IDK - Tommy

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I didn't know what to title this lmao. Read it and then come up with something.

T/W semi-graphic seizure not really though. Just incase.

Wilbur's P.O.V

Tommy was having quite a bad week when it came to his fainting episodes. It started on Monday.


Checking the time on my watch I saw that it had been 20 minutes since I had asked Tubbo, Ranboo, Jack and Tommy to start getting ready for school and they still hadn't come downstairs. Well, Ranboo and Jack were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast but there had been no sign of life from Tubbo and Tommy. I decided to go up and check on them. 

When I reached the door, I paused, listening intently. I could hear Tubbo murmuring quietly under his breath, "He's not going to be mad at you. I promise." 

Who was he talking about?

"Trust me, Toms, Wilbur would never be mad at you, especially not for something like this." 

Oh, they were talking about me.

I pushed open the door, stepping inside. Tommy was laying on his back on the floor, with his head resting in Tubbo's lap. Pog (Tommy's service dog) was curled up with her head on Tommy's stomach. The older was sat cross-legged, running his fingers through the younger hair. "What's going on?" I asked softly, "Why would I be mad?" I knelt by Tommy's head, reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. "Can I say?" Tubbo asked, waiting until Tommy gave him a small nod before turning to me, "He passed out twice and thought that you would be angry at him for being late."

"Oh honey," I cooed, "I would never be mad at you because of that. It's not something that you can control. Do you think you're gonna be well enough to go to school today?" 

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine. Just a rough morning."

"Alright, Tubbo, I trust that you, Jack and Ranboo will keep a good eye on him." 

"Of course, we always do!" 

"Okay, I'll put some toast in the toaster for both of you. Come down when you're ready. You still have 20 minutes until the bus comes and even if you're not ready by then I can always drive you to school." 

"Okay, thanks," Tommy murmured.

No problem love, take it easy." 

I made my way back downstairs.


On Tuesday, the house was gathered in the living room to watch a film together. It was called, 'The Cabin in the Woods'. I wasn't fully focused on the film though as halfway through, I noticed Pog had started to tug on Tommy's bracelet, hoping to gain his attention. He wasn't responding though. I already knew what was about to happen but Pog turning to me and licking my hand confirmed it. He was about to faint. I kept flicking my eyes back and forth between the TV and Tommy so I wouldn't miss it if he suddenly lurched forwards. My best guess was that he was currently having an absence seizure and when it was over he would pass out. 

Again, I was right. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and turned just in time to put my arm out and stop Tommy from falling forwards. I gently leant him over so his head was resting on my shoulder as I ran my fingers through his hair. I looked back towards the TV knowing that Tommy was in a safe position and I caught sight of Phil gesturing at me from the other side of the room.

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