Protect them - Tommy

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T/W abuse, alcoholism, violence, minor description of injury

Tommy's P.O.V

As far as everyone knew, I was an only child, living with my parents. That was very wrong. I had two younger sisters aged 5 and 7, and we lived with our father. The youngest was called Harlow and the middle child Lyra. Our mother had died 3 years ago and ever since her death, our dad had become...someone else. He was always strict and had a poor temper but now, he was unrecognisable. I couldn't remember the last time that I had seen him sober. He stopped being a parent and became a shell of his former self. He was abusive. Both verbally and physically. He screamed at all of us but I would never let him hit my sisters. I had to protect them. So I took every beating, becoming my father's personal punching bag just so I could ensure their safety. Even if he was mad at them, as they had done something to annoy him, I would still take the blame and let him take out his anger on me. I just refused to let them get hurt.

My father, however, soon noticed what I was doing and began to use it against me. If I refused to do something, told me that he would hurt my sisters if I didn't comply. So I had to. I worked tirelessly, day and night. Working throughout the day to make sure that everyone had food and everyone got to school and that the house was clean and tidy. During the nights, I would put the younger to bed, get everything ready for the next day and then stream so that I'd have enough money to continue the cycle. It was stressful and tiring on my health. I got sick often, as I had no time to take care of myself but I would continue to take care of my sisters before myself anyway. They were much more important anyways. I knew that hiding the fact that I had two younger siblings wasn't exactly going to be easy but I didn't really want the world to know about them. I wasn't that I was embarrassed by them or anything I was just really protective of them. 

My father was half German so when he spoke to me, he spoke in German. I learnt the language from a very young age so when Nikki would speak German or try to teach Wilbur, I instantly understood. She always asked me if I wanted to learn as well and I would just politely decline saying that I was already learning French in school and would get confused if I had to learn both. She just accepted it and moved on. However, she soon found out the truth.

I was on a call with Nikki and Wilbur, asking them for some advice on my streaming set up when there was a knock on my door.

"Ich gehe in die Kneipe, du machst Ärger und bist tot, verstanden? Ich werde dich so viel schlimmer als normal verletzen." My dad said, his voice low and even.
(I'm going to the pub, you cause any trouble and you're dead, got it? I'll hurt you so much worse than normal.)

"Ja, Sir, ich verstehe," I replied.
(Yes, Sir, I understand.)

I looked back at my screen and saw Wilbur looking confused - only understanding some of the conversation - and Nikki looking upset.

"Tommy? Were you speaking German? Who were you talking to?" Wilbur asked.

I just looked away.

"Tommy...who was that?" Nikki said, her voice merely a whisper.

"Uh, my father," I replied, knowing that I wasn't going to be able to lie to them.

"Oh, what did he say? I didn't realise he spoke German." Wilbur questioned.

"Tommy that's not alright," Nikki murmured.

"Wait, someone please tell me what he said."

"He was threatening to hurt Tommy." 

"Wait, WHAT?!" 

"No, it''s not as bad as it seems. He's just really stressed. He wouldn't actually do anything." 

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