As the Earth Burns to the Ground pt.7

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Just keep running.

Don't stop.

The second you stop running, you die.

Searing pain ripped through Tommy's thigh, leg almost giving out with each step.

He was falling behind.

I could see the group darting ahead, but his legs wouldn't carry him fast enough. It hurt.

Never, in his entire life, did he think that he would have to be doing something like that. Running away from zombies with a bullet wound in his leg.

He stumbled, hands reaching down to catch himself, scraping across the rough concrete below, leaving thick, bloody lines across his palms. There was no time for him to gather himself, picking himself off the floor and rushing forwards, very nearly falling again, struggling to keep his balance. Eret, having noticed the youngest's struggle, paused in her stride until she was running at the same pace as him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling him beside her.

"Come on!" Eret whispered, "Not much further, I promise! Then we'll get you settled and clean wounds okay?"

Though the question wasn't rhetorical, no response came. Simply as there wasn't time for one The pain threatened to drag him under, darkness closing in around the edges of his vision but Eret was there, dragging him on, feet stumbling against the solid concrete ground as they pushed on, pulling each other towards the tall building that loomed ahead.

 They were almost there.



Tommy watched as Sapnap was the first to reach the building, having been the one leading them, swinging the doors open wide and ushering everyone forward. What if there were zombies inside? What if it had already been breached? It didn't matter. It was still safer than staying outside with the hoard. If they hadn't been spotted when leaving the house, they had definitely been seen now, the groans and stomps of the undead picking up the pace and hounding toward them.

Almost everyone had reached the building now, Eret and Tommy being the two stragglers, struggling along behind but they were close.



 The zombies were drawing in on all sides.

Eret's foot hit the frame of the door and she threw the two of the through, allowing Sapnap and Dream to slam the doors shut behind them, using a couple of nearby chairs to block them. It was holding, but against hundreds of zombies, it wouldn't hold forever. "Is everyone okay?" Phil asked voice hushed, "No bites or injuries, or anything like that?"

Karl had stumbled and scraped his hands and knees and Jack had rolled his ankle a little but there were no major injuries. Eret got to their feet, gently helping Tommy to his too. His leg was in agony, the pain that had begun as a sharp burn was now ricocheting with every step he took.  Still, he said nothing. Phil and Dream did a headcount of the group, rounding everyone up together.

"Alright," Dream said, taking charge once more, "Everyone needs to keep as quiet as possible. It's likely there are zombies in here. Stick together, never and I mean never go off on your own. That's how you die. We need to scope out the flats and see if any are empty or open. Grab anything that can be used as a weapon on your way round or any extra food or water. We don't know how long this will last. Groups of five at the smallest. Okay? Good. Tommy, do you think you can manage stairs?"

He was quiet. Silence spoke louder than words at that moment and Dream nodded. "Okay, stick to the ground and 1st floor. The elevators are too risky and we can almost certainly carry you up a flight of stairs or two if we need to."

The group split into a couple of smaller groups, Eret, Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, Nikki and Tommy made one. Tommy's leg was hurting worse than ever and since the pain was so strong, taking up his focus, the literal hole in his face was making a violent resurgence of pain, blurring his vision. He wanted to keep going, keep moving forward but the adrenaline of running from the hoard was quickly wearing off, he stumbled, this time finding himself unable to catch himself, almost crashing hard into the concrete, thankfully stopped as Eret and Nikki noticed just in time, darting forward and grabbing him, lowering him gently as they called to the others to stop. Sweat beaded on Tommy's brow, dripping down the side of his face, despite the cool breeze that flowed through the building. "Shit, Toms? Tommy? Can you hear me, sunshine?"

Wilbur's voice was echoey and distorted as it filtered into his brain and Tommy felt woozy just listening to it. Everything felt so slow. So...wrong? It felt like someone had flicked a switch sending the world into slow motion and Tommy's brain was falling behind. His body was heavy, weighing him down into the earth like lead and he couldn't hold his head up, relying on Ranboo's hands that had been placed on either side of his face, forcing him to look at the bright eyes of his friend. "Hey, Tommy, we're right here, okay? We're right here with you. I need you to stay with me, can try and do that?"


 He wanted to say.

 Yes, Ranboo, I'm here. I'm trying.

 But no words would come out.

 "Eret's going to carry you, alright? We're going to get you somewhere safe."

His voice was so calm, so soothing and lulling. Tommy felt safe, held in Eret's arms, lifted into the air, his friends walking alongside. That little guarantee of safety threatened to pull him under fully, body desperately needing to shut down, to heal but he couldn't.

 Not yet.

 Not until he knew everyone else was safe.

 Then he could finally the rest he craved so deeply.

 But for now, he would just have to wait, keep his eyes open.

 He needed to stay awake.

 To stay.



 He needed.

 Everything faded into the static.

HI!!!! Updates will probably be slow as I have other writing projects and school to focus on but take this :]

I hope everyone is doing alright!

Leave Requests here!!!! Please give me stuff to work on!

1050 words (kinda short ngl (like me I guess))

Take care

Love you guys - I missed you all

- Bee :]]

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