Techie? Can you come and get me? - Tommy

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Trigger warning for violence and injury description!!!

Tommy's P.O.V

Tubbo, Fundy, Ranboo and I had gone to the summer fair at our school. I was technically the only one that went to the school since Tubbo and Ranboo were in college and Fundy had finished college and was only there to supervise. We walked around messing about on some games and just having a fun time. It was a good time but I quickly grew tired.

"Hey, Fundy, can we head back soon I'm getting tired," I said.

"If you're really tired, you might wanna walk back. Remember Phil wanted us to go to town after the fair and pick up some supplies that we need." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot," I replied.

"Well, Tubbo, Ranboo and I are going to drive to town now are you going to walk back or are you going to come with us?" 

"I...I'll walk back," I said after a moment. 

"Okay, we'll see you back at the house."

"Have a nap when you get back," Tubbo said, pulling me into a hug, "You need to look after yourself properly!" 

"I will Tubs, I promise," I smiled.

I turned away from the others and started walking out, towards the gate. There were two routes home, the quick way and the long way. The long way wasn't that much longer, it was only an extra 5 minutes or so but I was tired, and I wasn't feeling great so I went the short, sketchy way. 

Going the short way meant that I had to go through the back alleys and they were quite scary I won't lie. They were in darkness so there was no way of seeing what was down there. It was just a long dark alley with a small light at the end. I stuck my hands in my jean pocket and began to walk. A chill seeped into my bones and instantly I knew something was wrong. I just had that gut feeling. The voice in my head screaming at me to run. I turned, ready to flee when a hand gripped down on my shoulder. I flung sideways, crashing into a wall, the impact making my head spin. The air was knocked out of my lungs and pain ricocheted through my body. "Told you we should have done this somewhere else." A rough voice said, "Now we got caught by some stupid kid that just had to wander down here." 

"Well, there's not many other choices." Another voice said, "Just...dispose of him." I heard a pair of footsteps walking away and a pair growing closer. I looked up with blurry vision and could just about make out the figure of someone before something hit my head, hard, and my body crumpled to the ground. 

When I opened my eyes I was in the worst pain I had ever been in. My entire body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't lift my head off the ground, it was so heavy. I lay, curled up on my side, breathing heavily as I tried to figure out where I was. As my eyes focused a little more I could see the cold stone walls and blood splattered over the uneven rocky ground. The alleyway shit. I moved my arm quickly to grab my phone but stopped with a cry of pain as I aggravated the wounds. Slowly, this time, I reached into my pocket and managed to pull out my phone. With shaking hands, I scrolled through my contacts, a million thoughts running through my head. Who would be home? Who would pick up? I stopped scrolling as one caught my eye. Techie.

Techno's P.O.V

I was sat in my room, fixing Wilbur's webcam that he'd broken a while back when my phone started buzzing on my desk, the screen lighting up. Tommy. He had gone out to the summer fair earlier with Fundy, Tubbo and Ranboo so he was safe and I was going to ignore the call. But then the strange feeling hit me. Something was wrong. I couldn't explain it, I just knew that something bad was happening. I swiped up, bringing the phone to my ear. "Hello?" 

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