Stress (SkepHalo)

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Daryll's P.O.V

I heard a ding from my phone seeing that Skeppy had gone live. I decided to join. 

"- and I've just been really lonely in my new apartment. I feel like I've moved here for nothing but I can go anywhere because the of the lease. I still have another 5 months before I can leave, it'll be too expensive. I know you guys probably don't care about this, I'm sorry. But I might need to take a little break." 

He was struggling. I had noticed over the past few days that he hadn't been as talkative when we called each night. A6D said that he had also noticed something was wrong but Skeppy kept insisting that he was fine. He had been struggling all that time. I needed to call him. I went onto my contacts and clicked [💙Zachy💙]





"Hey Zac, I was watching your stream." 

"Oh right." 

"I just wanted to check on you maybe talk to you a bit." 


"You said you've been feeling really lonely?" 

"Yeah, I mean, I went from a house where I had my mum and my sister to being completely alone." 

"You don't have a roommate or anything?" 


"Oh, well, how about you move into mine, or I can stay with you for the rest of your lease if it's to expensive to end." 

"I...really? You would do that?" 

"Of course Skeppy!" 

I saw Zac's eyes fill with tears before his stream ended. He turned on his video in discord and I could see that the tears were dripping down his face. "Oh Zac." I cooed.

"It's just...It's been to much to handle recently, people always expect so much from me and I try to be happy for them and get out content but everyone hates it and I can't keep up the act. I've been feeling so lonely and useless lately, I just, I really can't..." He trailed off, burying his face into his hands. I could see that he was shaking and I could hear his quiet sobs. "It's okay Zac, I'm here. I love you. I know it's stressful, I need you to breathe though. Okay. In, Out, In and Out. Easy does it." 

"Thank y-you Daryll." 

"Of course, anytime." I looked at my watch. Where Skeppy lived it was an hour ahead, for me it was almost midnight so it must have been 1 am for him. 

"Hey Zac, it's almost 1 am where you are right?" 

"Yeah, why?" He sniffled.

"I want you to try and get some sleep. I'll stay on call with you if you want me to but I want you to try and get some rest."

"Okay. I'll try and sleep. Thank you...Daryll for...well everything." 

"Of course. Goodnight Zac. I love you." 

"I love you too. Night." 

I ended the call. Quickly, I began to throw things into a couple bags before chucking them into the boot of my car. I set my alarm for 5 am. I would leave then, that way I would get to his at 11 am.

5 hours later the journey began. I had to drive for 6 hours but I didn't care. I would drive a million miles for that boy. 

The 6 hours flew by and before I knew it I was pulling up at his apartment complex. 

Zac's P.O.V

I woke up at 10 am with no motivation to do anything at all. I contemplated calling Daryll but decided that I should probably let him sleep. Eventually I dragged myself out of bed, I pulled on some black ripped jeans and an oversized blue hoodie, pulling the sleeves down over my hands. I walked out into the kitchen grabbing out a bottle of water before sinking down onto the sofa scrolling through social media. Clips of last nights stream were everywhere. Some people telling me that I deserved to feel bad about myself that I deserved the hate I got, others said that I deserved a break and that I was pushing myself too hard. I saw that Bad had tweeted saying, 'Hey guys, don't pester Skeppy about last nights stream, being a Youtuber can often get stressful and he's been pushing himself really hard for almost 2 years now with no stops. Mine and Skeppy's channels will go inactive for a week, maybe extended (we will let you know if this happens) This is my idea not his. We love you all and appreciate the support!!! Bye muffins!' 

I smiled. He was looking out for me. I knew he cared but it was easy to forget. Then came a knock on my door. I got up slowly making my way over and unlocking the door. 

I swung it open and was taken by surprise.

"D-Daryll?" I murmured. 

He smiled and tilted his head, "Hi." 

I flung myself into his arms and he picked me up holding me close.

"I love you Skeppy and you know that I'm here for you." 

"Again, Thank you...for everything." 

Inspired by the stress of school....and a request I got.

Love y'all

- Ace

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