Replaced - Tommy

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Trigger warnings for attempted suicide, overdose, vomiting and depression.

No one's going to judge you if you can't read this chapter! Look after yourselves, okay? <3

Tommy's P.O.V

I hadn't spoken to Wilbur or Tubbo in a while as they repeatedly told me how busy they were. I had asked Tubbo earlier that day if he wanted to stream with Wilbur and me, as Wilbur had finally said yes to streaming. Tubbo told me that he was too busy to stream and shortly after, Wilbur cancelled streaming with me. I won't lie, I was quite upset. I had been feeling alone and I wanted to talk to my friends. I went onto Twitter and cancelled the stream I had scheduled before lying back on my bed with a sigh. I opened twitch to see what people were up to and I felt my heart sink when I saw that Tubbo was live with Wilbur, Ranboo, Krinios and Sneeg. Immediately, my phone fell from my hand and I curled up under my covers trying desperately not to let the tears fall from my eyes. He told me he was busy. They both told me they couldn't stream, yet here they were, streaming together and replacing me with new, better people. It hurt. A lot more than I thought it would. Tubbo was my best friend. I had known him the longest and he meant a lot to me. Wilbur told me that I was like a little brother to him. That he'd always be there for me if I needed him. I needed him now more than ever. Where was he?

My mental health had been extremely fragile the past few months and I wanted to do a live stream with Wilbur so I could speak with him about it afterwards. He ignored me making it hurt even more. I couldn't keep doing this. I had had it planned out for a while now. The notes were written, the pill bottle was stashed away under my bed, I had written where I wanted specific items in my room to go. Like I wanted Tubbo to have some of my hoodies and a couple of books that I was planning on giving him alongside his Christmas present. I decided I owed a special text to Wilbur and Tubbo.

Dear Tubbo,

I'm so sorry that it had to be this way. You were my best friend and you always will be. I can't thank you enough for lifting me up when I was sad and helping me through the dark times. I'm sorry that I have to fail you now. Tobi, I love you okay? (In a friend way) I'm going to miss you and everything that we made for ourselves. Thank you. Thank you for being my friend and putting up with me for so long. You have new friends now though, and I trust that they'll be better for you than I ever as. I'll never forget you, please don't forget me. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I pressed send, moving onto Wilbur's contact.

Dear Wilbur,

You were like the older brother I never had. You told me that you would be there when I needed you and I really needed you this month. I'm sorry for whatever I did to annoy you. To make you ignore me or pretend that you were busy. I want to be remembered in the good memories. This world just wasn't my place and I'm so sorry that you ever had to know me. Thank you, for sticking around when I was annoying, so, all the time. This would've happened a lot sooner if I'd never met you. Again, I'm sorry, but it isn't your fault. Make sure everyone knows that what's about to happen isn't their fault and I love you all...Goodbye Wilby.

I was openly sobbing now as I hit the enter key allowing the message to send. My hands were shaking and unsteady as I now held the pill bottle in them. I didn't know. I didn't want to live anymore, not like this, but why was I afraid of death?

I sent a simple heart to everyone else in my contact list.

Not even two minutes after I had sent the two messages, my phone started to buzz like mad. I made the mistake of checking it. 

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