Protection - Tommy & Sapnap

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Sapnap's P.O.V

He hadn't come home.

[Earlier that morning.]

It was 8am. 

"Hey Sapnap!" Tommy said cheerfully, he bounced happily beside me as I walked down the path headed for the community house.

"Hey Tommy, sleep well?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it was..alright. Why didn't you wake me?" 

"Tommy I know when you're lying. You didn't get any sleep last night did you? You only fell asleep at...I'm guessing 6 am?" 

"7." He said sheepishly, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. 

"Tommy, you need more sleep!" I exclaimed worried about my little brother, "Anyway, come to the community house and get some food then I expect you to go back to bed or take it easy for the rest of the day." Tommy and continued to walk with me.

I went inside the community house and took my seat with Dream, Bad and George. Tommy would normally sit with Wilbur, Tubbo and Nikki but today I got him to sit with me. He stayed completely silent through the whole of breakfast which was quite unusual but I brushed it off since I knew he was quiet when he was tired. Once Tommy had finished the little breakfast he ate, he told me that he was going to go with Tubbo to do some renovations on a secret place that they were building. I nodded and let him go. 

Tommy's P.O.V

I hadn't been sleeping well at all. Over the course of the past week I had only gotten maybe 30 minutes of sleep in total, I knew that it was completely unhealthy and it was clear that my older brother was beginning to catch on as well. I just feel ill, all the time, and fatigued, but I couldn't let it show. 

Tubbo and I were working on a small holiday home on the beach and it was taking us so long to gather the resources and build the estate. We weren't giving up though. 

We worked through the day, stopping once for some food, and by nightfall the foundations were built all we needed now was to make a roof and to add some windows. I was proud of the work that we did it took a long time but it was definitely worth it. I yawned, quickly covering my mouth and making Tubbo chuckle. "You tired Tommy?" He asked, I nodded in reply, "Well we should be getting back, Sapnap will start to get worried if you're not home soon." 

Tubbo and I walked to the edge of the forest where we parted ways. I had a 10 minute walk while Tubbo only had a 5. As I stumbled through the trees, the sky growing dark, I began to feel dizzy. White spots danced across my vision and my body began to shake from the sudden cold. We left it to late. I didn't have my sword on me either. I broke into a sprint, running down the gravel pathway. It was now so dark that I couldn't see the path beneath my feet so it wasn't to surprising when I would stumble and trip over things I hadn't noticed. But, I hadn't anticipated getting injured. My foot got caught under a tree root and I was sent to the ground, sprawled out of the rough cobbles. The pain in my leg was almost unbearable. Sharp spikes ricocheted all the way from my tippy-toes to my mid thigh. Tears blurred any sight that I had and I knew there was no way I could walk. I now noticed all the cuts and scratches I had from running through thorns and just then tripping to the ground. I was had no way of protecting myself from the creatures that I knew would soon be on their way. The growl of a zombie broke my trance and I noticed it's silhouette, walking a couple metres ahead. I needed to find somewhere to hide and fast. I moved myself slowly and quietly backwards, crawling along the floor till I came to an overturned tree. It was large and hollowed out. Just big enough for someone to fit in. I remembered playing hide and seek with Tubbo when we were younger, I hid in there! Although that was a couple years ago, I could still fit. But then came the next predicament, how will I be rescued, will anyone know I'm missing. I was still sliding into the spot when I heard an arrow fly. It hit me, right on the collarbone. I let out a cry of agony, finally sliding back for enough that nothing could reach me. My hands grasped desperately at the blood soaked shirt, I needed help. 

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