Author is too tired to name this pt 2 - Tommy.

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T/W Past child abuse/ minor character death/ PTSD/ Panic attacks.

Phil's P.O.V

Let's just begin by saying, Philza is pissed at the kids. I was furious at what Ranboo had said to my son and while I was watching back the end of the stream so I knew what had happened I also noticed how Tommy wasn't putting up much of a fight. It was fairly obvious that something was wrong yet Ranboo hadn't paid any attention to the fact that he could be hurting someone, too caught up with the need to yell at them.  

I started to make dinner, tagliatelli, by slicing up the bacon and mushrooms and setting them into a large sauté pan. I put the tagliatelli (type of spaghetti) into a saucepan of boiling water and while I was waiting for everything to cook through, I rang Ranboo.

He answered almost immediately.

"Ranboo, you realise we are going to have to talk about what happened?" I said slowly.

"Shouldn't I be talking to Tommy about it?" He responded.

"No. That's not a good idea. He has given me permission to tell you why he had the reaction that he did." 


"Firstly, why didn't you stop?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, you could tell that Tommy was uncomfortable but you kept yelling and making things worse. Why?" 

"I...I don't know. I wasn't even angry at him. I had had an argument with Sapnap and just...lost my temper." 

"That's not a good enough excuse and you know it." 

"I know. But, what actually happened?" 

"He had a major panic attack after a flashback that you ultimately caused. No one's blaming you for it though. You didn't know." 

"He had a-a flashback? What does that mean?" 

"Ranboo you know what PTSD is?" I asked, stirring the ingredients in the pan.


"Tommy has that." 

"But how? Isn't that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." 

"Yeah, uh, I'm only going to explain this once. Tommy, Wilbur and Techno aren't biologically my children. I adopted each of them. I adopted Techno when he was 3, his parents didn't have any money and they wanted their son to have a chance at a good life so they put him in a centre. I adopted Wilbur when he was 2, his parents died in a freak accident. They didn't know their parents properly, or at least, they don't remember them. Tommy sadly remembers his parents too much. He spent 5 years with them and they were extremely abusive, then he spent 2 years going in and out of different foster homes, each one worse than the last. When he was 7, I adopted him and it wasn't pretty. He has long-lasting trauma and there are multiple things that trigger it. I expect that what you said to him was something that his father has said in the past. He's been having a rough few weeks too. His biological parents died in a car crash two weeks ago and it's been hitting him quite hard. It doesn't matter what they did they're still his biological parents and although I hate their guts, Tommy has a kind soul and he was trying to forgive them." 

"I...I had no idea. I just assumed that he was your son." 

"Well...he is now and we're helping him." 

"Yeah, yeah, I...I see that. Can you tell him that I'm sorry?" 

"Of course, I will. Please be careful in future and don't ever take out your anger on someone else. Especially not any of my sons. I won't be so lenient next time. Take care mate." 

"Bye Phil." 

"See ya." 

I took the pasta off of the heat, draining it over the sink. Then I mixed it in with the sauce, mushrooms and bacon, distributing it into 4 bowls. I put them on a tray and carried them upstairs to Wilbur's room, smiling at the sight that awaited. Tommy lay in the middle of the bed, his head resting against Wilbur's chest and Techno holding his hands as his older brothers curled around him protectively. A mustard-yellow blanket was drawn up over them. I knocked lightly on the door to gain their attention, noticing how Tommy flinched a little. It had been a while since he did that. We had all learnt to knock before entering a room since Tommy came into the house. He hated being surprised or scared by someone when they hadn't announced their presence to him. The three boys looked over at me and I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, passing everyone their dinner bowls. "I had a conversation with Ranboo," I said, looking over at Tommy.

"What did he say?" Tommy asked, looking worried.

"He said that he was sorry. He was in a bad mood because he's been arguing with Sapnap and he took it out on you. We had a talk about it and he's promised to be more careful." 

Tommy just nodded, sighing exhaustedly, as he sank further against Wilbur. Techno resumed the film and we sat in comfortable silence, well silence apart from the quiet clinking of forks against ceramic as we ate our meals, while the film played quietly in the background. 

I took the dishes back downstairs when the movie was over, washing them and leaving them on the draining board before returning to Wilbur's room. They were all fast asleep, curled up together. I smirked, taking a picture on my phone and turning off the TV before gently closing the door. They were sons, maybe not biologically but after all 'blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.'

And I would stop at nothing to protect them.

2 updates in a row???!!! Pog???!!

This one is quite short, I wasn't sure what to do and it's just as much of a trainwreck as the first one :)

975 words

 take care

 love you guys

- Ace :))

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