Brother? - Tommy

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T/W mild violence, transphobia and misgendering :(

Also I used the word Redacted instead of using a deadname and I wrote the word slur instead of writing what slur it is because you can probably infer it with context and I don't like writing slurs and things, even if I can say them myself.

Tommy's P.O.V

So. I'll cut right to the chase. Ranboo and I were siblings. He was a year and a half older than me and for the first 5 years of my life, I was unaware of his existence. A little under a year after my mum had had Ranboo she was pregnant again - with me - but a few months into the pregnancy, she found out that my dad had cheated on her. They were divorced by the time I was born and my dad took Ranboo and moved to America. I stayed in England with my mother. Father and son, mother and daughter. Yes, I was born a girl but that's not important yet. For the first five years of my life, I was oblivious to the fact that the baby pictures on the mantlepiece had two different babies in them. When I was 6 I decided to ask. My mum sat me down and tried to explain what had happened in a simple way that a child's mind would be able to understand.

When I was 7, I got a computer and started playing Minecraft/ making videos. 

After being violently bullied for several years, I stopped. but it was my dream and when I was 13, I decided to start again. I got twitch and discord and started streaming as well as uploading youtube videos.

This was the same year that I first spoke to Ranboo. My mother and father were still somewhat in contact and Ranboo had wanted to know if I had discord (which I did) and he had sent over his user tag. I was a bundle of nerves as I pressed add friend only for the request to be accepted instantly.

<Ranboo> [Redacted]

<Redacted> Hey!

<Ranboo> God, this is strange, isn't it?

<Redacted> Yeah, wanna hop into a vc? 

<Ranboo> Sure!

I started a video chat which - once again - was instantly accepted. It took a moment for both of our webcams to turn on, but we were speechless when they did. The likeness was uncanny. We looked so similar except for the fact that his hair was browner than mine. We had the same fluffy hair albeit mine being a little longer, same facial features and both of us were wearing a hoodie making the similarity even more shocking. 

We called every day after that and I started noticing changes to myself that weren't the same with any of the other girls in my school. How I wasn't comfortable in my body, hating the way my hips curved or the way my chest wasn't flat. I hated all the things that made me inherently 'feminine'. It just wasn't right. I didn't feel like I was...myself. I wanted to look more like Ranboo, with a stronger jawline and short hair and...less like a woman I guess. I pulled all-nighters looking things up and finding loads of genders and pronouns and definitions that I had never heard before. I found myself scrolling through pronoun dressing room websites and trying different combinations until eventually, I landed on he/they/void. Void was lesser-used but I still liked it. Then I started to look through names, I scrolled through shitty 'what to name your baby' websites but in the end, I came up with the name myself. Tommy. The only thing was coming out. I knew that my mother would accept me as she had always been quite the LGBTQIA+ advocate, but my father on the other hand was quite the opposite. I didn't know much about him but from the few conversations I had had with him, he had always spoken poorly in trans matters. I didn't know Ranboo's views on transgender people and neo-pronouns. I doubted that he would be unaccepting but I still worried. 

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