And it haunts me every time I close my eyes

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The stream began with Charlie and Tommy, sitting in front of the camera in Wilbur's office, both hopped up on sugar that Wilbur had foolishly agreed to give them pre-camera. A second camera was shown at the bottom pointing to a chair with the doll Tommy had introduced the chat to a few days before with the name "Uncle Nasty". It was a rather creepy doll, face covered in scars and marks that Wilbur had positioned as far away from the monitor as possible. The plan was, to use some ghost tools, try and contact whatever demon or as such that lay inside the doll and then go back to Wilbur's flat for the night. They would probably end up watching films for most of the night as it was likely they would freak each other out with the ghost hunt and Tommy was far too excited that Wilbur had come back and that Charlie was with him to even try sleeping.

Charlie sat in the seat closest to the computer and Wilbur sat in the seat next to him, Tommy hovering awkwardly behind the two, resting a hand on the back of Charlie's chair. "Can I sit down?" He asked.

Wilbur went to move from his seat so he could sit there instead but Charlie stopped him. "Come here," He said, gesturing for Tommy to sit on his lap. Wilbur chuckled, laughter soon cut short as Tommy plonked himself down on the other's knees, shocked that he actually did.

"Alright, well," Wilbur said, turning to look at chat, "We're gonna take it in turns to sit in the room with Uncle Nasty and use the spirit box to try and try and contact whatever is inside."

"There's nothing in uncle nasty!" Tommy protested, "He's my friend!"

Wil smiled, "Have you seen it?! You know what, let's just all sit in here and do the first spirit box session together."

Tommy stood up, Charlie standing with him, the two walking over to the second camera sitting on the floor beside the chair where Uncle Nasty sat while Wilbur stayed at the computer. "Hey, Charlie, move in a little closer, the camera can't see you," He said, taking out his phone, "We need to create negative energy. Uhhh. Here! This is how to create negative energy on Web MD."

"It's Web MD," Charlie said, "Web MD is always right."

"Talking about your insecurities, general negative self-conversation. Is number one. Two, is negative music, music that makes you uncomfortable or uneasy."

Charlie and Tommy both pulled out their phones typing into youtube.

"Should we play them at the same time and then start yelling about our insecurities?" Charlie joked.

"And a negative location, a location that is unfamiliar to you," Wilbur finished, "Charlie, I feel like you might be..."

"Yeah, well that's... I'm in a whole new country so that's my one."

"Insecurities!" Tommy said, "I- uh- I worry I'm not loud enough, and in some environments, I'll be consistently ignored because I'm too quiet."

Wilbur sat stunned for a moment, keeping his eyes on his phone to not bring attention to the boy. That was a conversation they had had in private, Tommy always thinking he was either too loud, and would be yelled at, or too quiet and would be ignored. He never thought he would admit it, especially not on stream.

"Here, I found a video. I couldn't find one to create negative energy but I found one that will release negative energy." Wilbur stood placing his phone near Charlie and letting it play out.

They sat silently, listening.

"Hello, my name is Jason."

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Fuck off Jason!" Tommy yelled, "We don't want you!"

"Yeah, maybe that was the wrong video," Wilbur said picking up his phone and moving back to the desk.

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