Six Shooter - Tommy and Tubbo

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Trigger warning for school shootings.

Just to clarify this is set in California because we don't have guns in England. I don't know much about what happens in case of an intruder so I'm sorry if this is wrong!

This is a merge of a couple requests.

Wilbur's P.O.V

It was a normal school day. Techno and I were sat in our classroom doing maths when a light switched on in the corner of our room. A bright, orange light, flashing repeatedly. None of us knew what it meant but we could tell it was bad. Our teachers face worse an expression of fear and panic as he stumbled over his words to tell us what was going on. "Everyone uh...please move your desks in front of the door. Now!" 

"Wait wait, what's going on?" Someone asked.

"What's happening?" Another person.

"Why are we moving our desks?" And another.

Everyone seemed just as confused as I was. I shoved my table towards the door then went over to stand with my twin brother.

"That light is an alarm. It means there's someone inside the school. It was flashing orange which means the person is armed and we need to go into a lockdown." The teacher hurriedly explained.

"Hold on, so our siblings could be in danger?!" I asked.

"Yeah, and our friends," someone added.

"Can't we go to them?" 

"I'm sorry but we need to focus on ourselves, I haven't been told where the person is so they could in the same block as us right now! We have to stay quiet, by all means, message your parents, carers or siblings but no calls." Mr Fitz said, turning off the lights, "Everyone, sit in the corner." 

Techno grabbed my hand and lead me to a corner of the room. We sank down the wall, sitting with our knees to our chests. I pulled out my phone, quickly scrolling to our dad's contact. 

<Wilbur> Dad!

<Wilbur> Dad this is bad!

<Philza> What's wrong?!

<Wilbur> There's an armed person in the building. 

<Wilbur> The school's gone into lockdown.

<Philza> Okay stay calm, are you with Techno?

<Wilbur> Yes.

<Philza> Okay, can you message your brother. I'm on my way to the school, Eret and Dream are with me so they're coming to.

<Wilbur> Okay.

Before I even got the chance to message Tommy, he messaged me.

<Tommy> Wilby I'm scared.

<Wilbur> You're on lockdown too then?

<Tommy> Mhmm, they said the person in our building. I'm scared.

<Wilbur> Dad's on his way, he's bringing Dream and Eret.

<Tommy> Okay.

Tommy's P.O.V

When the teacher had told us that someone was in our building, I freaked. Someone was in the same vicinity as me and my best friend, and they were confirmed to be armed. We pressed our tables up against the door of the classroom and huddled together in a corner. Tubbo and I were pressed against each other, clutching each other's hands tightly in an act to comfort one another. I could feel my body shaking against his as I looked up at him. "I'm scared." I mouth.

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