Can't stand the thought of losing you - Tommy pt 2

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T/W cancer, major character death.

Be ready to cry.

I have marked where the good and bad endings start so don't worry.

Tommy's P.O.V

Dr Jones made sure that I was comfortable before hooking me up to a cannula in the back of my hand. "Okay, the treatment is going to be administered through this tube, directly into your bloodstream and it'll start attacking the cancerous cells almost instantly." They explained, "You know where everything is, don't you? Also, your phone has been going off non-stop so you might want to answer that!" They injected the liquid into the cannula and I felt a slight tugging sensation as the chemo drug made its way into my bloodstream. 

"Doctors will be coming in now and then to check in on you. If you need anything though, press that button." 

"Okay, thank you." 

"No problem." 

Dr Jones left the room, closing the door quietly behind them. I picked up my phone looking at the notifications on my home screen. 

20 missed calls from <Wilbur>
36new messages from <Wilbur>

11 missed calls from <Dadza>
5 new messages from <Dadza>

9 missed calls from <Beeboi>
10 new messages from <Beeboi>

2 missed calls from <Ranboob>
1 new message from <Ranboob>

I even had a couple of messages from Techno. As I swiped to unlock my phone the screen lit up with a call. 

Incoming call from <Wilbur>


"Tommy?! Tommy, are you alright?" Wilbur's panicked voice reached my ears.

"Hey, I'm fine Will. Just really not feeling good." My hands were shaking as I gripped my phone. The effects were already starting to kick in. 

"You scared me! You weren't answering any of my calls."

"I'm sorry Wilbur. I just fell asleep and left my phone in the other room." 

"It's fine, I promise really don't sound yourself."

"Pr'bly cause I'm trying not to throw up right now," I said, deciding to sass Wilbur slightly as I spoke the truth. 

He didn't pay it any mind though, "Oh sunshine, did you feel sick yesterday when we streamed." 

"Yeah, kind of." I reached over, grabbing onto one of the disposable vomit bags.

"You should have told us! We could've rescheduled the stream." 

"I know but...we'd been planning it for ages and- I didn't want to let anyone down." I had to keep pausing in my sentence to swallow as I tried desperately to keep my nausea at bay.

"Sweetheart you could never let us down just because you were sick! If I was sick and couldn't stream would I be letting everyone down?" 

"No, but-" 

"Nope. Stop right there. No ifs or buts, okay? You're no less important than anyone else. So don't make yourself feel like it." 

"Thanks, Wilby," I said softly.

"No problem sunshine." 

I leaned to the side coughing and swallowing desperately in between, "I'm gonna go- cause I know how much- you hate people being sick- and...yeah. Bye Wilbur." 

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