Wear a Mask to Hide Yourself When Really it Makes Us the Same - Tommy pt. 2

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T/W Flashbacks (PTSD), Panic attacks, talking about prosthetics and related things.

Jack is an asshole, to begin with. He changes though!

Tommy's P.O.V

There were a lot of problems that came with having a prosthetic limb. For example, if I wore the prosthetic for too long, I would get heat rash, blisters and contact dermatitis which is a type of eczema. It was painful and Phil wouldn't let me wear my prosthetic for a few days after it happened. I hated not wearing my prosthetic as it was just a cruel reminder of what had happened almost a year ago. My least favourite part however was the phantom pain. It came and went at random, mostly affecting my 'wrist' and 'hand'. The very same wrist and hand that no longer existed. Not attached anyway. It was shooting, stabbing, cramping, pins and needles, crushing, throbbing and burning all at once. Yeah, not fun. Another major thing was that I hadn't told anyone. I hadn't told any of my online friends that I had a prosthetic arm. It wasn't like I was ashamed, I wasn't! I just, well, I could barely even think of what had happened without having a panic attack so talking about it was a definite no go. However, it couldn't stay hidden forever. 

We were streaming when it happened. Wilbur and Techno were out and Phil had gone to the shops so I was home alone. It was a rare occasion for me to be home alone as I got scared by every noise and if there was supposed to be no one else in the house I would panic and hide until someone came back. That was never fun. I had been improving though and Phil said he felt alright with leaving me by myself as long as I was comfortable with it. If I wasn't, he would drop everything to stay with me, as would Wilbur and Techno but most of the time I was fine. It was a huge improvement as at first, I couldn't be left in a room alone for more than 5 minutes (other than the bathroom) without having a breakdown. Anyway, Tubbo, Jack, Ranboo and I were streaming when Jack had the bright idea of playing the newly released game as it had such high reviews. Five Nights at Freddy's. You had to be fucking kidding me. I mean, there was no way that was actually happening. It was too much of a coincidence. Too... Real. I tried to say no, tried to hint to them that I didn't want to play but they were all adamant and I didn't want to ruin the fun so eventually, I caved. Jack sent me the link to the game, which I bought, not looking at the description or pictures. My palms were growing sweaty and I felt physically sick. They had no idea what had happened to me and if they did then they wouldn't have forced me to play.

As soon as I loaded it up, I knew I was screwed. It was so...real? Like, it was obviously just a video game but in a way it wasn't. The animatronics looked exactly the same as they did before. Freddy was the only one featured on the startup menu and looking at his flickering form made me want to cry. I turned to my second monitor, messaging Wilbur.

<Tommy> Please join the call or something, I need an excuse to leave.

<Tommy> Like seriously.

His icon remained offline. 

"Okay, everyone share screens on discord." Jack said. I did as he asked, watching as he put all of our screens on his own. I did the same to mine so that my stream could see all four of our screens at once. I put some text onto the screen as well so I could label each of them and everyone would know whose game was whose. Everyone's webcams were on the bottom of their screens anyway. I was glad that I had another 3 people on my screen because then it would pose as a good distraction and if I started to panic they probably wouldn't all be looking at me.

Jack gave everyone the go ahead and we clicked start. 

"Hello? Hello!" The familiar voice filled my ears and my eyes glazed over with tears before I could stop them. I had come to terms - after around a month of denial - that he had died. Phone guy was dead. He had given me his warnings and then he died. Now whoever made this fucking game had taken the audio of his literal death and was using it as a fun thing. It made me want to vomit. Off-screen, I moved my bin a little closer. 

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