As the Earth Burns to the Ground - pt 6

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"They know we're here."

"What?!" Phil asked, rushing over to look out of the window. Peering down onto the street below, he watched as all the zombies rushed towards the house, growling and groaning as they went, shoving each other aside in the hurry to pound against the walls and door.

"They'll get through." Tommy gasped, from where he was laying, "I've seen them get through houses more protected than this in seconds. I mean, it didn't take long for me to find a way in and even then there was already a zombie in here."

"Fuck," Sapnap cursed, "So, what do we do?!"

"God, I really don't wanna say this but, the rooftops are a good escape."

"Is that how you got here?" Wilbur asked poorly disguised shock in his voice.

Tommy nodded, struggling to his feet. Eret wanted to tell him to sit down again but there was no time for him to check his wounds over so it was a futile attempt.

"Okay, shit, um," Wilbur cursed, "Grab food and essentials, shove them in the bags and we'll find a way to escape."

"The vines," Tommy said.


"Down the front of the house, above this window, there are vines that we could climb up. Just, take it careful and don't put more pressure than necessary. Use the walls to support most of your weight."

"Right, Tubbo, can you and Ranboo start helping Tommy up."

Instantly, Tommy began to protest but Will quickly cut him off, placing a hand over his mouth, "Tommy, you are injured. Please, go up. I can't risk losing you again."

The younger paused for a second before nodding, allowing himself to be dragged to the window by Tubbo and Ranboo. Ranboo went up first, swinging his legs over the windowsill and wrapping his hands around the thick bonds of ivy that grew down from the gable. It was dangerous but there was no way they would be able to sneak past or kill all of the zombies below without someone dying or getting bitten which, thankfully, no one planned to do. Once Ranboo was up he lay flat on the roof, arms dangling down ready to grab Tommy and pull him up once he was close enough. Tommy carefully dangled himself out of the window, grabbing ahold of the vines and slowly shimmying up, his legs not holding against the wall so relying purely on arm strength. As soon as he was close enough, Ranboo hooked his arms under Tommy's pulling him up the rest of the way. Tubbo followed suit having been waiting at the bottom should Tommy have slipped, getting pulled up by Tommy and Ranboo. Various bags of food, water, blankets and first-aid equipment followed, and then house members all helped each other up as they prayed that the zombies would struggle to find their way in. Phil and Sapnap were last, Phil taking lead and starting the climb first while Sapnap carefully hung himself from the windowsill waiting for Phil to have gotten off of the vines. Ever since the apocalypse began everyone had been on edge, so when Sapnap heard the sounds of wood splintering and glass shattering followed by heavy footsteps, he jumped so hard he almost fell from the window, grabbing the vines at the last second. Looking up he knew that everyone had heard it too from how several people were reaching down to grab him calling out for him to hurry. Pulling himself up the vines, he was just out of reach when the first head stuck out of the window, hollowed-out eye sockets and concave grey cheeks staring right at him, grabbing wildly for his legs. Kicking down as hard as he could, he forced down a gag as his foot made contact with the zombie's face, its jaw breaking with a disgusting crack. Despite its bones breaking, it remained unphased, grabbing and groaning just as before. Sapnap pulled himself up onto the rooftop, met with the sight of everyone crouching in various positions, no one looking fully steady except for Tommy - the only injured person - who balanced on the gable with practised ease.

"Okay," Tommy whispered, "We can make it to that next house. The first jump is, undoubtedly the worst but you have to trust yourself, don't be scared of overjumping it, cause, you really can't."

"Are you sure you're good to jump?" Nikki asked gently, looking nervously at the bandages, quickly staining red where the wound had been disturbed, wrapped tightly around Tommy's leg.

"I don't really have a choice."

Wilbur was the first to jump, making his way to the edge and almost peering over before Tommy stopped him, "Don't look, just jump." Taking the advice Wilbur took a step, pushing back and then swung himself forwards, jumping the gap between buildings and landing clean on the roof on the other side that fortunately was flat. Everyone took their turn jumping to the other side until Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were left, the two refusing to leave their friend again. All three jumped at the same time, Tubbo and Ranboo landing clear while Tommy stumbled and fell with a cry on his bad leg, Wilbur and Puffy rushing to his side. "Are you okay?" Eret asked, grabbing one of Tommy's hands so he would look over at her.

"Yeah, I- I'm alright, just need a second." He replied.

"That's fine, take all the time you need."

After a couple of minutes, Tommy nodded to Eret signalling that he was ready to continue moving. Phil, Sapnap and Dream moved forwards trying to make a plan of movement. All of the zombies were still focused on the house where they had just come from so they had a reasonably clean path of movement away.

"Alright, if we jump to the next roof we should be able to get inside the stairwell, from there we're gonna have to run." Sapnap said, "We have to try and get away from the horde. There's a ring of apartments not far away, it might be worth checking them out?"

"Yeah, it's the best we've got." Dream replied slowly, "Is everyone okay to jump again?"

"Hang on- Tommy are you gonna be able to run?" Nikki asked.

"We'll soon see. It'll probably be fine."

"Okay, just- I don't know. Say something if you can't run and we'll- we'll figure something out."

Tommy just nodded, looking away. He knew the chances of himself outrunning a horde of zombies with a bullet wound in his leg was slim, almost impossible but he wanted them to have some hope, without it no one would survive.

The second jump was easier than the first, with a shorter drop and a shorter distance and this time, Tommy was able to stay standing, legs holding his weight. The stairwell was easy to find, a little doorway leading straight to it, thankfully unlocked, and everyone began to make their way down, weapons in hand. The stairs were closed off on each level, a keycard being needed to access each floor door so no zombie would come out at them, that didn't mean they could drop their guards though. The stairs were coated in a layer of blood and various gore, the occasional body blocking their way but thankfully no movement from any of them. Reaching the lobby, Dream crept forward testing the main entrance doors. Unlocked. Taking a deep breath he turned to the group, all looking expectantly towards him. "It's time. Sapnap, you know the way best, you lead. Everyone try your best to stick together, if you can't... regroup at the apartments."

There was a tense pause. The air resting thick on everyone's shoulders, pressing down on their chests and sinking into the concrete below.

"I love you guys."

It was reiterated, of course.

The doors swung open.

I didn't know how to end it lol.

Brain don't work no more.

How've everyone's weeks been?

1350 words

I'm so tired lmao.

Requests here

love you guys

take care

- Bee :[[

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