Burning down - Tommy - SMP house

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T/W Fires, mild description of burns/ blood/ injury.

Wilbur's P.O.V

We were all sat around the dining table laughing and joking around with each other. Minx, Nikki, Jack and George had made dinner and we were all home to eat together. These nights were always the best, by the time people started to head to bed out cheeks hurt from smiling and our stomach hurt from laughing. Various adults were often drunk or tipsy - never all though. 

However, that night was considerably quieter as the usual life of the party (Tommy) was already half asleep in his seat beside me. I knew that school had been taking a lot out of him and he'd been pulling all-nighters to study and edit videos so it made sense for him to be tired. Tired Tommy was a very soft version of Tommy and it was absolutely adorable to see. Somewhere along the course of the night Fundy had had one too many drinks and was in a very giggly, barely coherent state. Phil was slightly tipsy as was Minx, Dream, Sapnap and Sam. Schlatt was blackout drunk having given up on conversation and laying his head on the table as he murmured about how stupid we were being. Bad and Skeppy had gotten into an argument about why 'fridge' had a d in it but 'refrigerator' didn't and Sapnap, Quackity and Karl had taken to madly flirting with each other. It was a hilarious scene. Others were talking quietly to each other but most were just watching what would happen.

Once I had finished my meal, I put down my fork and pushed the plate forwards slightly so that people would know that I was finished and no one would be waiting for me. As I dropped my arm down to my side I felt a weight lean against it. Tommy was completely leaned against my side, his head resting on my shoulder and his hand slipping into mine. He was blinking sluggishly, trying not to fall asleep. I just let out a fond chuckle and proceeded to run my free hand through his hair. "You tired sunshine?" I asked teasingly. His only response was a slight pout. I looked down at his plate to see that he had barely touched his food.

"How about, you have a couple more forkfuls of your dinner and then you can come and lay down in my room and we'll put on a film. That sound good?"

Tommy nodded and sat upright again reaching for his fork. I watched the madness again, waiting for Tommy to be finished.

A few moments passed before Tommy put down his fork again and looked up at me expectantly. I gave him a fond smile. "Alright, we can go now." 

"Tubbo?" He murmured, tilting his head towards the other boy.

"You want Tubbo to come up to bed too?" 

"Alright, you ask him while I put our plates in the sink." 

I stood up, taking the ceramics and putting them in the sink. It wasn't Tommy, Tubbo and my turn to do dishes so we would be fine to leave them as they were. 

When I returned Tommy and Tubbo were both waiting by the door. "Alright, I'm taking the children to bed," I announced gaining a few 'goodnights' from the others. I ushered them up the stairs to my room. "What do you guys wanna watch?"  I asked, switching on the TV.

"Up," Tommy answered instantly. Tubbo nodded, jumping onto the bed. 

I started the film and laid down on the bed, Tommy curled up on my right and Tubbo on my left. It wasn't long before both teens were fast asleep and I too was fighting back the feeling, tugging at my eyes. Soon, I gave in and allowed myself to drift off.

Tommy's P.O.V

I woke up to loud incessant beeping. 

The fire alarm.

Shit! Wilbur and Tubbo were still asleep meaning the alarm had only just gone off. I was a really light sleeper so it made sense for me to wake up immediately. "Wilbur! Tubbo!" I yelled over the screeching noise, shaking them both awake. Wilbur startled awake, sitting up and grabbing onto my hand before turning to Tubbo who was still waking up and doing the same. "We need to get outside," He said, pulling us up and walking us towards the door. I reached out to the handle to open it but pulled back as a searing hot pain shot up my arm. There was a sizzling sound and Wilbur let go of Tubbo's hand to examine mine. Several layers of skin had burned away leaving a long, rectangular dip in my palm. Blood was welling up to the surface in small dots before connecting to make a pool. Smoke began to spill in from underneath the door, filling the room and filling our lungs. "Don't open the door!" I said, "I think the fire's right outside." 

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