He's inside - SBI

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T/W  mild violence, stalking

yes, this is slightly inspired by P.L.L

this one is a little more...real-life horror kind of thing.

Tommy's P.O.V

It was just a normal Tuesday morning when I got the text. It was a picture of me. On the bus. The same bus that I had just gotten off of. I wasn't sure who had taken that picture or how they had gotten my number but it freaked me out. I chose to just ignore it, however, and hope that it was just one of my friends trying to prank me. But still, how would they have gotten a picture of me. I thought I had been alone on the top floor of the bus. I was tired and I hadn't noticed. Yeah. That was probably it. It was nothing. 

I quickly changed my mind when I got to my college, however, when another message popped up on my phone. It was another picture of me. Outside of my College doors. What the actual fuck?! I spun around looking at everyone that was passing by, hoping that I would see one of my friends with the phone out having just taken a picture of me. But no luck. There were just hundreds of strangers walking around. I quickly ran to my first class, anxiety running high. What was I supposed to do in this situation? Wilbur.

<Tommyinnit> Wilbur? Wilbur, please be awake? I don't know what to do?!

I got no response. 

Oh right. He never responds to text messages. I stayed out in the hall, constantly looking over my shoulder as I pressed call. "Tommy, why didn't you call me on discord I thought -" 

I cut him off with an involuntary sob. My hand was shaking to the point I almost dropped my phone. "Tommy?! What's wrong? Are you okay?!" 

"Wilbur, I'm s-scared." I stammered out.

"What?! Why?! Are you safe?!" 

"I don't know. S-someone sent me p-pictures. They're of me W-Wilby. There's one from the bus a-and there's one from a c-couple of minutes ago in front of m-my college." 

"Someone's sending you pictures of yourself? Like...walking around?"


"Okay, Tommy, are your parents home?" 

"No, they're on a business t-trip again."

"Okay, how many hours have you got at college today?" 

 "I only have 5 hours today cause the rest of the week is 9 hours online every day." 

"Okay, that's long enough for me to get to yours. Tommy, I've got a couple of errands to run then I'm going to drive down to your house. I'll hopefully pick you up from college and you can come and stay with me while your parents are away. I'm gonna let Phil know what's happening and then if you get any more weird messages or pictures, I want you to send them to him as I most likely won't see it. Phil will look after you while I'm driving." 


"I need to get some things done and then I'll be on my way to get you. If I'm not there in time then I want you to get on the bus and I'll meet you at your house." 

"Okay, Wilby. Thanks." 

"No problem love, get to class and I'll see you soon." 



I hung up the call, walking into my classroom and taking a seat. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket. New message. It was a picture of me, stood in the hallway on the phone to Wilbur. Underneath, was a message.

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