As The Earth Burns To the Ground - SMP

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T/W Horror warning - not too bad in this chapter - blood

Tommy's P.O.V

It was a snowy morning in early January and I was getting ready to catch my flight to Florida. It was so exciting. After 2 years, we were finally getting to do an SMP meetup. Dream had been talking about it a couple of months into the SMP but what with the outbreak of Covid travel was pretty limited and we didn't want to risk it what with the fact that I - along with some others - were high risk and didn't particularly feel like dying before I got to see them. That would really suck. I had haphazardly packed my luggage the night before having completely forgotten to pack until Wilbur mentioned it on a call, then I spent a good hour and a half finding random things I thought I might need and throwing them into the suitcase. I was already really late to leave for my flight but that was fine. I was going to be the last person to arrive as everyone was leaving the day before but I had to go to a college thing which Dream and Wilbur told me not to miss. I didn't really mind though. I knew that everyone would just be sleeping through the day I wasn't there and I wouldn't really be missing much. Then again, the college thing was awful. I just sat in a corner and listened to someone talk for 5 hours. It was stupid. I didn't remember anything he had said which definitely showed how important it had been. 

Thankfully, I reached the airport and made it through security in time, boarding the flight with little time to spare. Then, I was off, on my way to the USA.

Dream's P.O.V

It had been years of speculation coming, the end of days. I was sitting in the living room with Techno and Sapnap when the announcement came through, most of the English lot were still in bed and everyone else was scattered about the house. We had just been watching the news - boring I know - when the screen went black. For a moment I thought the power had gone out and began to stand from my seat to check the fuse box but then the screen flashed back on, bright coloured bars covering the screen with a black box in the centre reading 'EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM' in bold white text. Then the speaking began. An automated voice blared through the speakers catching some peoples attention and bringing them into the room.

"The following message is transmitted at the request of the Florida State Police Department. An unidentified virus string is rapidly spreading across the state of Florida. The first reports of the virus are believed to have been in State College. The virus has since spread through the state of Florida. It is believed that it has begun spreading through adjacent states and may reach the whole country within the next 12 hours. Symptoms of this virus include initial nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, loss of muscle control and unconsciousness. State College is also reporting that some of the affected persons are turning into zombie-like creatures. At any time they might start causing massive destruction to the area because the virus is vector-borne - spread through a bite, fluid or contact. Authorities recommend that the following action should be taken by all members of the public:

Stay indoors, if at all possible;

Turn off any heating or air conditioning systems

Have enough food and water supplies for sheltering for 1 - 2 weeks

If you get the virus and are showing symptoms of turning, you will be quarantined in your home for an indefinite amount of time."

What the actual fuck.

A zombie apocalypse. There was no way it was actually happening. I mean, sure, people had talked about it happening, made games and written books but I had never, not even once, humoured the thought that it could actually happen. To me, it was nothing more than a make-believe situation, made up to scare people and inspire others to create the media to scare the people with but now, it was a reality. One I really didn't want to face. We could do all 3 of the advised things, we didn't have any reason to go outside - except to get Tommy -, we could comfortably turn off air-con and heating and we were completely stocked up what with expecting other people for roughly a month. We could camp out in the house, together and it would be fine. Plus, it hadn't spread far anyway so there was still a chance it could be contained.

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