Allowance (pt2) - Tommy

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Wilbur's P.O.V

I packed some stuff into a rucksack: clothes, toothbrush, charger, phone and my laptop. Then, I sat on my sofa, waiting for Nikki and Phil to arrive. 

Once they got there, we got in the car and drove to Tubbo's where we picked up Tubbo and Eret. We began the 20-minute drive to Tommy's house.

When we arrived at Tommy's house, we took the spare key from under the plant pot and ran inside. Only Tubbo had been to Tommy's house before so he knew where the younger boys bedroom was, leading us to it. I pushed open the door to see Tommy still laying on the ground, he'd been unconscious for...about half an hour now. Eret and I knew the most about first-aid so we went forward, kneeling beside the boy. "Tommy," I said softly, tapping his cheek, "Tommy can you hear me?" I got no response.

"Tubbo can you get a glass of water?" Eret asked, Tubbo nodded and ran off, "If he doesn't wake up, we're going to need to call an ambulance." 

When Tubbo came back, I put some of the water in my cupped palm and slowly poured it over Tommy's neck and forehead. As my hand came close to his forehead, I could feel the heat radiating from it. "Oh shit, he's burning up," I said. He still hadn't woken up. The bruised side of his face was pressed against the ground so no one had seen it yet. 

"Okay, Phil can you call an ambulance? Nikki, can you find an ice pack? Tubbo, can you fill the glass up again?" 

"Why do you need an ice pack?" Eret asked. I placed my fingers under Tommy's chin, gently turning it to the side so everyone saw his face. A look of horror and sorrow slipped into everyone's expressions when they saw the state of the boy. "What happened to him?!!" Phil gasped.

"I don't know, all I know is his face was like this before he passed out, it was probably why he didn't use face-cam today," I replied. Phil, Nikki and Tubbo went off, Nikki coming back first since Tubbo had shown her where the freezer was. We slid the ice pack underneath Tommy's face then sat there with him as we waited for the ambulance to arrive. When Tubbo came back we tried to put some cold water on Tommy's face to lower his temperature and hopefully wake him up but the latter didn't happen. I ran my hand over his back until the ambulance arrived, taking him away. 

We drove behind the ambulance meeting them in the hospital, then got forced to wait in a waiting room for an hour and a half to see him. 

"Is anyone here for Thomas Simons?" 

The five of us stood up walking over to the doctor. "Okay, follow me to his room, we've got him on a high dosage of medication so he'll be asleep for a while." We walked down the pristine white halls until we reached a hospital room labelled, 204. "Okay, we found him to be extremely malnourished this makes him vulnerable to sickness such as flu, which we think he has contracted. We've had to put him on a feeding tube for his malnourishment and an I.V for his fever. A person has clearly made the bruises on his face and we have to assume that it is abuse or bullying. If any of you know anything I suggest contacting the police because these were serious injuries. Not just on his face but everywhere. He had two broken ribs and a fractured leg. The most serious of his injuries, however, looks to be inflicted with some sharp object, with how deep the laceration was and it's placement over his eye, he only has a 26% chance of seeing out of that eye. We won't know until he wakes up." 

The world began to blur as tears filled my eyes. I could see Nikki was crying, as was Tubbo and the anger on Phil and Eret's faces was enough to scare me even though I knew their violent thoughts were not directed at me. Finally, after a long pause, a voice spoke up and I was startled when I realised it had been my own. "I think his least his dad abuse him," I said.

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