No one likes you - SBI

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Trigger warning for a type of self-harm, panic attacks and abuse.

I drew the picture at the top in like 10 minutes, it's really bad but I kinda like Wilbur's face.

Tommy's P.O.V

It went from a normal game of among us, and turned very wrong. 

I was so happy, I had finally beat Wilbur. "Hey Wilbur," I said, "Looks like the tables have turned." 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP TOMMY!" I flinched, hearing Wilbur's yelling come through my headphones. "TOMMY YOU'RE A LITTLE GREMLIN BOY, YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS." 

"I-I have friends..." I murmured unconvincingly, Wilbur knew my insecurities and in this twisted argument he was changing my words and throwing them right back on me, hurting me. 


I felt tears filling my eyes and my fingernails dug into the pale skin on my wrist as I began to scratch. I could hear Phil laughing, the person I wished was my father was laughing as the person I wished was my brother mocked and yelled at me. I forgot that my webcam was on, I forgot that I was streaming, I forgot that anyone could see me until there was a notification in the bottom of my screen.

New message from Dream:
Tommy! End your stream then join my call. 

I reached out a shaky bleeding hand, moving the mouse to click end stream before joining Dream's call. 

"Hey, Tommy." He said gently.

I didn't respond, my breathing erratic and my mind foggy. I began to scratch harder at my wrists blood getting under my fingernails as I tore away more skin. 

"Tommy, listen to me. I need you to breath. Okay? I'll help you. In for three ready...1...2...3...hold for three 1...2...3... out for four 1...2...3...4... and hold again for three. 1...2...3... There you go nice deep breaths Tommy, well done." 

Slowly my breathing went back to normal. My body still shook and tears were still steadily dripping down my face, as blood dripped down my wrists, but I no longer felt like I was being suffocated. 

"Tommy can you turn your camera on for me kiddo?" Dream asked gently.

"Y-yeah, hang on." I murmured, moving the mouse to click enable camera. Once the camera turned on, both Dream and I were shocked at the state of myself. My eyes were red and puffy, face pale from the minor blood loss, tear streaks marked my cheeks and I could see myself physically shaking when most of the time it wasn't visible. "Oh Tommy," Dream said quietly, "I'm so sorry that he said that to you, he's wrong you know." 

"B-but, I-I always believe w-what he says, I j-just trust h-his word and h-he knows w-what I'm i-insecure about, h-he always twists it back on m-me." 

"He can't do that Tommy, it's messed up." 

"I-It's only when h-he's angry though." 

"That's still not okay!" 

Dream's P.O.V


Hearing Tommy's surprise at the the fact that people weren't allowed to take their anger out on him made my chest hurt. He thought that it was okay for people to hurt him just because they were angry. "Tommy is it just Wilbur that does this?" I asked.

He sighed, "No, my parents are worse." 

I was horrified the boy had grown up in a place where it was normal to be yelled at and hit, I had noticed the bruises he had gotten from 'falling' a lot. "Tommy, none of this is okay. No one is allowed to hit you, no one is allowed to just yell at you when you've done nothing wrong!" 

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