Disgusting - Tommy

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I know that James Charles is quite a controversial topic and this isn't meant to idealise grooming in any way. Just as a warning.

T/W paedophilia/Grooming

Tommy's P.O.V

It all started when he asked me to film a video with him. At this time, James' channel was blowing up and all his videos were doing well. I had been watching him for a while as I - although I had never told anyone - was kind of into makeup. I first tried to do makeup when I was only seven. I had stolen my mother's cosmetics bag and rifled through it to find some eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. In all honesty, I did a pretty bad job but it was still reasonably good for a first attempt. The eyeshadow was red and purple, neither were blended correctly and a thick black line that flicked out at the corners was my eyeliners fault. The mascara was fine, other than the small smudge that had found its way onto my cheek. 

After that, I began to do it more often, successfully doing a simple makeup look by the time I was 10. I found James' channel when I was 9 and a half, so I watched him for a good 6 years, using his tutorials to do my own looks until I actually got in contact with him. He wanted to feature me in a video where he was asking YouTubers to give him a brand for a specific product. He hadn't discussed the idea with me beforehand, instead, he just called me. Twice.

The person that was supposed to give him a contour brand didn't pick up so he just decided to call me twice. I was anticipating the call as I knew that he wanted to do a video with me but I didn't know when so I had cancelled my stream and sat with my phone by me, waiting for the ringtone to start.

Ring, Ring- I lunged forward to answer, putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey, Tommy!" James said loudly.

"Hey, James," I replied, trying to match his enthusiasm.

"So, I know I didn't give you any time to research but I need a brand of contour to use!" 

"Oh, okay! I'd say use either Kat Von D or tarte. They're pretty good right?" 

"Wow! I didn't know you knew much about makeup! Yeah, they're both really great palettes. I think I'll use the Kat Von D. Thanks for the suggestion! I might call you back in a bit for another suggestion." 

"Okay! See ya." 

I had used both of the contour palettes that I recommended so I knew that they were good but I didn't want to make it too obvious that I knew about makeup. Of course, I could just lie and say that I looked it up or that my friend was teaching me about makeup or something but I almost wanted someone to know that I liked makeup. And since James did it, I didn't think he'd judge me.

I tried to get some editing done but was interrupted by yet another call from James.

"Hey again!" He said, still as enthusiastic as last time.

"Hey!" I replied, "How can I help now?" 

"I need an eyeshadow brand." 

"Oh, uh, how about the NYZ one uh...Ultimate Utopia shadow palette." 

"Woah! That's literally my favourite at the moment. Thank you! I'll call when I finished filming as I want to discuss another video with you." 

"Alright, bye!" 

The call ended and I returned to editing.

An hour passed before I got another call from James. He was in his bedroom this time.

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