Burning down - Tommy - SMP house PT 2

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T/W Burn/injury description, hospitals, depression

Wilbur's P.O.V

It didn't matter how much I tried to envision the extent of Tommy's injuries as nothing could have prepared me for the sight I walked into. Seeing my little brother hooked up to countless machines and covered in various bandages and dressings made my heart clench tightly in my chest. He had an oxygen mask strapped over his mouth and nose while a heart monitor beeped steadily in the corner. The doctor followed us in and told us all to take a seat on some of the various plastic chairs.

"So... Thomas has sustained some serious 3rd-degree burns on his right arm and leg. He has multiple lacerations and bruises but that's not what concerns us most. When the wooden beam fell on him, it crushed the lower half of his body and broke his lower spine and both of his legs. The chance of him ever walking again is...slim." 

A shocked gasp escaped all of us and tears flooded my vision. I covered my mouth with my hand as a frown tugged at my lips. I felt Phil's hand gently rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me as we turned our attention back to the doctor.

"He has some broken ribs and mild head trauma from hitting the ground. He's been given 34 stitches in total. He's dosed up on some strong medication so he likely won't wake up anytime soon. He isn't going to be able to leave the hospital for...a month? Most likely. But it all depends on his healing progress so we can't be sure. Several doctors, including myself, will be checking in now and again to keep an eye on Tommy but I'll leave you to process things for now."

The doctor walked out, holding their clipboard close to their chest. As soon as the door shut behind them, we broke down. All of us held tightly onto each other as we let our emotions bubble up and spill over. Our baby brother couldn't walk. He couldn't walk and it was all my fault. I was supposed to protect him. But I failed. And now he was injured.

An hour passed and visitation hours were over. We were ushered out by one of the nurses, only after I had made her promise to call if Tommy woke up. We ordered an uber and went back to the hotel. We were staying in groups of 6. None of us really wanted to be alone anyway. I was roomed with Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, Techno and Nikki. I swiped my card on the lock and stepped inside. There were 4 beds. Quackity and Sapnap lay on either side of Karl on one bed and Nikki was sitting on another, leaving the other two for Techno and me. When they saw Techno and me they fell silent. "It's really bad-" I began, unable to finish my sentence as I started to sob again. Nikki was quick to pull me into a hug. "What injuries does he have?" Quackity asked.

"Lots of cuts and bruises. Broken ribs, closed head wound, major burns on his right arm and leg but the worst part..." Techno paused, his voice wavering slightly, "They don't know if he'll ever walk again. He's broken his lower spine and both of his legs. It's a really, really low chance of him recovering from that." 

The look of horror on our friend's faces was enough to send me into yet another round of tears. I felt pathetic. I just couldn't stop crying. Karl had a bandage wrapped tightly around his arm from where he had been burnt while rushing out and I could see him glaring at it. Karl, Ant and Sam were the ones who were supposed to wash up and check the kitchen was clean and everything was turned off before going to bed as it was their turn on the chores rota. I knew that Karl felt guilty. I knew he was blaming himself.

"It's not your fault," I said before I could stop myself.

Karl's head shot up, "Wilbur, you know I should've checked the oven. Sam was tipsy and I knew that but I still left him to do it anyway." Sapnap wrapped his arm around Karl, pulling the smaller to lean against him. 

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