Sick Day - SBI + Tubbo

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Tubbo's P.O.V

I knew that something was wrong with Tommy the second I arrived at his house. We walked to school together everyday so I would walk to his place in the morning then we would go to school together. When he opened the door, his face was pale and he looked close to tears. Phil was in the kitchen trying to sort out Wilbur and Techno, they were yelling at each other. I took Tommy's hand as he stepped out of his doorway. His hands were freezing and they were shaking, even in my grasp. I began to walk down the pavement, still holding his hand. We got a little way away from the house and I turned around, pulling him into a hug. "What's going on?" I asked, rubbing his back in gentle, circular motions. 

"Wilbur and Techno won't stop arguing, because of it, neither of them came to pick me up last night." He replied, voice trembling.

"You walked home in the rain?!!"

"Y-yeah, now I feel sick but I didn't want to bother them anymore."

"What do you mean 'anymore'?"

"I couldn't do the English homework last night so I went to Wilbur. He just shouted at me, told me he didn't care about me or my problems, I asked Techno for help with my math but he yelled at me too." Tears welled up in his eyes. "H-he told me he h-hated me."

"Oh god Tommy I'm sorry." I whispered, "You know he's just angry, he doesn't really mean that." 

"I...I guess but, he's never shouted at me like that before, I was s-scared, I thought he was like..." He trailed off, not wanting to say the name, "I thought he was going to hit me." I brought Tommy back into the hug as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel heat radiating from his forehead. Quickly, I pulled away, placing my hand under his fringe. There was no doubt about it. "Tommy, you're too sick! You can't go to school, you've got a really high fever!" 

"D-Don't wanna stay h-home. Plus I-I'd only b-bother them all." 

"No. Don't you dare say things like that. You're never a bother! To any of us! I have an idea, come on." 

Tommy didn't want to stay at home and we couldn't exactly skip school as we would both get into trouble, so I had a compromise. We got in early I kept my hand in Tommy's leading him to SSC (Student Support Centre). Eret, (our older friend) worked there. As soon as he saw me, leading a tearful Tommy inside, he rushed around the counter and over to us. "What's happened?" He asked.

"Do you want me to say?" I asked. Tommy shook his head, looking at the ground. 

"You're gonna have to tell me something love," Eret said, "Otherwise I can't help. Here come into one of the meeting rooms." He led us into an empty room and we all sat down. Tommy was shaking again, except I wasn't sure if it was because he was anxious or sick. Eret reached across the table and took Tommy's hands. "Okay, tell me as little or as much as you want, take your time." 

"Well...T-Techno and Wilbur have b-been arguing  a lot. I reminds me o-of... but T-Techno and Will yelled at m-me yesterday when I a-asked for help and I th-thought he was gonna hit me. Th-they were caught up in their a-argument yesterday so th-they forgot to pick me up f-from Tubbo's house. Ph-Phil was still at work so I ended up walking home." 

"Yeah, and it was pouring with rain!" I added.

"Now I feel really s-sick but I don't wanna stay home with th-them."

Eret stood up, sat back down on Tommy's other side and pulled the young boy into a hug. "Oh, Tommy." Eret was the only person outside of me, and Tommy's new family that new what his old home was like. That kinda thing used to be normal for him. Being ignored, or hit, or shouted at. When Phil, Wilbur and Techno found out about it, they had called the police on Tommy's parents and then adopted him. Tommy was happy, for the first time I saw my best-friend actually happy. Until now, about half a year later and it was going wrong again. When Phil adopted Tommy, he vowed to never shout, ignore, undermine or hurt Tommy, Wilbur and Techno vowed the same. Yet here Tommy was, crying to Eret and me because Techno and Wilbur let him down.

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